99+ meilleures recettes de dîner sain pour perdre du poids

Ce n’est pas parce que vous avez travaillé toute la journée que vous ne pouvez pas profiter d’un dîner sain et délicieux. Si vous cherchez à étendre votre rotation en semaine, vous trouverez forcément une (ou dix) de ces recettes de dîner saines qui vous parlent. Nous avons couvert toute votre base avec des recettes de poulet, des recettes de boeuf, des recettes végétariennes et plus, donc plus de repas surgelés pour vous. Ces options ne sont pas seulement bonnes pour vous, mais elles sont si bonnes que vous allez probablement lécher la plaque avec chacune que vous essayez.

Quatre tacos carnitas de porc sur une plaque
Kiersten Hickman / Mangez ceci, pas cela!

Cette recette peut rôtir à feu vif pendant quatre heures, mais pour de meilleurs résultats, laissez-la rôtir à feu doux pendant huit heures. La viande tombera au moment où vous commencerez à la séparer! Servez-le avec des tortillas, des limes, du fromage queso fresco (ou cotija!) Et, bien sûr, des oignons rouges marinés.

Obtenez notre recette de Tacos Carnitas au porc à la mijoteuse.

morue croustillante avec des frites de patates douces dans un panier
Brie Passano

Cette recette de morue, faite avec des frites de patates douces, est faite en faisant cuire le poisson et les frites au four au lieu de les plonger dans une friteuse. Nous vous promettons qu’après avoir pris une bouchée de cette recette de morue croustillante, vous ne manquerez même pas la version frite.

Obtenez notre recette de morue croustillante avec des frites de patate douce.

Brochettes d'agneau sur une assiette avec des graines de grenade et des légumes frais

Les brochettes d’agneau sont un incontournable de la cuisine du Moyen-Orient. Certains la considéreraient même comme la boulette de viande du Moyen-Orient! Ils ont généralement un mélange d’épices aromatiques, qui est très spécifique à cette partie du monde. De plus, c’est l’une de nos recettes de dîner santé préférées à faire.

Obtenez notre recette de brochettes d’agneau Kofte avec sauce à l’ail Tahini.

Recette de ragoût de boeuf en pot avec des pâtes pappardelles et du parmesan rasé
Kiersten Hickman / Mangez ceci, pas cela!

Vous en avez assez de la sauce à la viande et des boulettes de viande habituelles un soir de semaine? Améliorez votre cuisine italienne avec cette délicieuse recette de ragoût de boeuf. Non seulement elle est facile à préparer, mais cette recette de Crock-Pot à dump-and-go est parfaite pour préparer et congeler pour plus tard!

Obtenez notre recette de Crock-Pot Beef Ragu.

Ramen au poulet paléo
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Un grand bol de ramen sonne comme le repas parfait pour une nuit froide et pluvieuse, non? Eh bien, si vous êtes paléo, commander un bol de ramen n’est pas toujours une option. Néanmoins, un simple échange de nouilles aux nouilles de courgettes (également connues sous le nom de zoodles!) Peut facilement résoudre ce besoin de ramen salé.

Obtenez notre recette de poulet ramen avec champignons shiitake et épinards.

Recette de cari au poulet et aux tomates paléo
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Vous cherchez quelque chose de plus épicé? En utilisant un jalapeño dans la recette, ce curry de poulet est accompagné d’un léger coup de pied, mais entre la douceur du lait de coco et l’acidité des tomates concassées, ce curry de poulet aux tomates est la recette de dîner saine parfaite, quelle que soit la saison dans.

Obtenez notre recette de Curry de poulet aux tomates avec du riz au chou-fleur.

Burger de piment au bacon et au chili
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Ce n’est pas parce que vous avez envie d’un hamburger que vous devez gaspiller plus de 1000 calories dans un restaurant de base ou une commande de restauration rapide! Alors que certaines chaînes populaires vendent des hamburgers avec plus de 1000 calories, vous pouvez en fait déguster un délicieux hamburger avec du bacon (oui, du bacon!) Pour seulement 402 calories.

Obtenez notre recette de hamburgers au bacon et au Chili avec du guacamole et de la salsa fraîche.

Kiersten Hickman / Mangez ceci, pas cela!

Bien que la plupart des tacos au poisson soient battus et frits (généralement avec un joli morceau de morue), faire des tacos au poisson à la maison sera beaucoup plus facile que je ne l’avais prévu. Étant donné que le poisson que j’ai préparé pour cette recette n’implique pas de paner un filet de poisson, vous pouvez économiser des calories importantes et accumuler de délicieuses garnitures à la place.

Obtenez notre recette de tacos au poisson avec tilapia et avocat.

Paleo bbq pork shepards pie
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Comme si la tarte du berger n’était pas déjà assez délicieuse, cette rotation de barbecue est la touche parfaite au plat classique. Cette recette de dîner santé utilise une sauce barbecue paléo-conforme, ainsi que du lait d’amande nature non sucré, pour réduire les calories supplémentaires, tout en donnant au plat une texture acidulée, mais crémeuse. De plus, le chou frisé supplémentaire pénètre encore plus de nutriments dans le repas.

Obtenez notre recette de tarte au berger au porc avec garniture de patates douces.

Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Sortez votre poêle en fonte ou profitez-en pour en acheter un, c’est la clé pour obtenir une délicieuse saisie sur ces côtelettes d’agneau mi-rares. Les côtelettes occupent le devant de la scène avec un simple frottement de romarin, d’ail, de sel et de poivre. Mais la vedette de ce plat est la purée de chou-fleur au fromage suisse. C’est beurré, crémeux et décadent. Vous ne manquerez plus jamais de purée de pommes de terre!

Obtenez notre recette de côtelettes d’agneau à la poêle avec purée de chou-fleur au fromage suisse.

saumon cuit au beurre de céto avec asperges sur le côté horizontal
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Besoin de recettes de dîner plus saines qui impliquent du poisson? Ensuite, vous allez adorer celui-ci! Le saumon et les asperges sont toujours excellents grillés ensemble, mais cette recette de saumon au four est encore plus appropriée pour les adeptes du régime céto car elle ajoute plus de matières grasses délicieuses aux acides gras oméga-3 présents naturellement dans le saumon. La touche de citron dans la garniture à base de mayo est également délicieuse sur les asperges.

Obtenez notre recette de saumon cuit au beurre et d’asperges.

crevettes et brocoli avec riz au chou-fleur saupoudré de graines de sésame oignons verts et sriracha
Kiersten Hickman / Mangez ceci, pas cela!

Vous n’aimez pas le saumon? Que diriez-vous de recettes de crevettes saines pour le dîner? Cette recette de crevettes et de brocoli en pot instantané est la recette parfaite à concocter un soir de semaine chargé. Servie sur du riz ou du chou-fleur pour le garder faible en glucides, cette recette est celle que vous voudrez faire encore et encore.

Obtenez notre recette de crevettes instantanées en pot et de brocoli.

Wendy's copycat chili dans trois bols sur un comptoir en marbre avec du fromage et de la crème sure
Kiersten Hickman / Mangez ceci, pas cela!

Grâce à une liste claire des ingrédients sur le site Web de Wendy’s, il a été facile de préparer cette recette. Selon la liste, le piment de Wendy a une base de piment, des tomates, des haricots chili, des haricots roses, des haricots rouges, des oignons, du céleri, des poivrons verts, du boeuf haché, du piment, de la poudre d’ail et des épices. Bien que la recette contienne également du sucre et de l’amidon de maïs modifié, nous savions que vous pouvez avoir un délicieux chili sans aucun de ces additifs, nous n’avons donc pas pris la peine de les ajouter à ma version.

Obtenez notre recette de Copycat Wendy’s Chili Recipe.

Soupe de nouilles au poulet Crock pot avec du pain sur une table.
Kiersten Hickman / Mangez ceci, pas cela!

Rien ne vaut un bol fumant de soupe de nouilles au poulet par temps froid, n’est-ce pas? Surtout s’il peut être cuit avec un minimum d’effort! Cette recette de soupe aux nouilles au poulet Crock-Pot est le repas parfait pour réchauffer une foule un jour d’hiver.

Obtenez notre recette de soupe aux nouilles au poulet Crock-Pot.

Bol de potiron thaï aux arachides prêt à être mangé
Blaine Moats

Si vous voulez en faire une version thaïlandaise encore plus légère et à faible teneur en glucides du pad thaï avec de la citrouille, vous pouvez renoncer complètement aux nouilles de riz et les remplacer par de la courge spaghetti. Vous voulez le rendre végétalien? Oubliez simplement le poulet.

Obtenez notre recette de Pumpkin Pad Thai.

poulet balsamique à l'érable et légumes sur une plaque blanche
Jason Donnelly

Le dîner de poulet, de pommes de terre et de légumes standard peut vieillir rapidement, mais c’est pourquoi il est essentiel de trouver des façons savoureuses et saines de pimenter ce repas de base. Entrez notre recette de poulet balsamique dont nous garantissons que vos papilles vous remercieront, en raison de la combinaison de saveurs qui se trouvent dans ce plat.

Obtenez notre recette de poulet et légumes à l’érable et au balsamique à la mijoteuse.

EN RELATION: Facile, sain, Idées de recettes à 350 calories vous pouvez faire à la maison.

Burger à pizza sur un plateau en bois avec sauce marinara
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Un hamburger sur une liste de recettes de repas sains? Oui, nous les avons! Cette recette prend ce que vous aimez dans la pizza – la sauce tomate, la mozzarella et les assaisonnements comme l’origan – et les ajoute à un burger de dinde juteux. Débordant de saveur et de fibres, ce repas est beaucoup plus nutritif que la tranche de pizza moyenne.

Obtenez notre recette de Pizza Burger grillé.

une poêle de pâtes taco avec une cuillère, du fromage cotija et des tranches d'avocat
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Bien sûr, les pâtes traditionnelles sont excellentes. Mais avez-vous essayé les pâtes à tacos? Cette recette facile prend tout ce que vous aimez dans les tacos – assaisonnements, épices et oui, fromage – et les convertit en un format de pâtes. Taco Tuesday est sur le point de prendre un tout nouveau sens.

Obtenez notre recette de pâtes taco à la poêle.

Salade de pâtes à la courge musquée
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Si vous cherchez des recettes de dîner faciles et saines, mais que vous en avez assez des salades à base de laitue, cette recette de salade de pâtes à la courge musquée changera la donne. Comme les autres salades en pot Mason, cette recette peut être préparée à l’avance et elle est remplie de légumes nutritifs.

Obtenez notre recette de salade de pâtes à la courge musquée.

Tasses de riz frit
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Envie de nourriture chinoise, mais vous n’avez pas envie de dépenser de l’argent? Avant de faire des folies sur du riz frit au porc et des rouleaux d’oeufs, pourquoi ne pas essayer de faire du délicieux riz frit à la maison? Cette recette de tasses de riz frit fera des portions parfaites de riz frit, tout en gardant ce nombre de calories agréable et faible!

Obtenez notre recette de tasses de riz frit.

Recette de taco au poulet et aux poivrons rouges dans une assiette
Kiersten Hickman / Mangez ceci, pas cela!

Cette recette de taco au poulet est faite avec du poivron rouge rôti, ce qui en fait un taco plus doux que vous associez normalement les tacos. Entre le poivron rouge rôti et la salsa de maïs sucrée, vous vous retrouverez à profiter d’une expérience sucrée et salée satisfaisante en mordant dans l’un d’entre eux.

Obtenez notre recette de poulet taco aux poivrons rouges rôtis.

Mahi mahi grillé avec salsa verde
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Confusingly enough, both Mexicans and Italians have their own salsa verde, and both are ridiculously good condiments that can be used in a staggering number of dishes. This, the Italian version, is based on parsley, anchovies, capers, and lemon juice, a bright herbal punch that pairs especially well with the smoke and char of a grill.

Get our recipe for Grilled Mahi Mahi with Salsa Verde.

Asian beef noodle soup
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

The slow-cooker soup here takes a rich ginger and soy-spiked broth with chunks of fork-tender beef, a tangle of springy noodles, and—for a fresh, high note to pair with the dark, brooding ones—a pile of fresh bok choy. This is no appetizer soup; this is a full-on meal.

Get our recipe for Asian Beef Noodle Soup.

Paleo scallops with chimichurri
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

In this meal, you get to pour your chimichurri on scallops (and just so you know, we think scallops are the most underrated of all seafood). They’re incredibly lean, but with a sweet, meaty taste that makes them feel indulgent. Plus, they cook effortlessly in about 5 minutes.

Get our recipe for Scallops With Chimichurri.

bowls of homemade orange chicken with chopsticks
Brie Passano

Are you having a craving for your favorite Chinese takeout dish? Dreaming of chicken dunked in that deliciously sweet orange sauce? Thanks to this recipe, you don’t have to wait for the delivery person to enjoy some orange chicken right at home! Plus, this version slashes the calorie count of your usual orange chicken takeout.

Get our recipe for Orange Chicken.

keto shredded pork shoulder in a white bowl
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

When we mention this keto-friendly BBQ-flavored slow cooker pork recipe, barbecue purists might scoff at us. But we can’t worry about that: We have day jobs, hungry kids to feed, and no barbecue pit in the backyard. We know smoke is the key to breaking down the fat that adds flavor and moisture to the pork butt or shoulder, but we found a way to get similar flavors and texture by using bone broth and a slow cooker.

Get our recipe for Shredded BBQ-Rubbed Pork Shoulder With Creamy Slaw Recipe.

Paleo blackened fish sandwich
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Our fish sandwich replaces processed patties with fresh tilapia fillets, frying with blackening, and tartar sauce with creamy avocado and crunchy cabbage. You won’t miss the mystery meat alternative you’re used to, as this blackened fish sandwich packs a punch.

Get our recipe for Blackened Fish Sandwich With Avocado and Cabbage.

Paleo turkey bolognese
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Looking for a low-carb dish that packs in the protein and is paleo-friendly? This scrumptious turkey bolognese with garlic spaghetti squash fits the bill. So if you’re looking for more healthy dinner recipes using spaghetti squash, you’re going to want to save this one for later.

Get our recipe for Turkey Bolognese with Garlic Spaghetti Squash.

pan burgers fried egg special sauce
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

There’s nothing quite like taking a bite out of a juicy burger, and while the idea of firing up the grill might seem daunting, you don’t actually have to cook a burger that way. Instead, you can pan fry your patty for an easy way to satisfy your burger craving.

Get our recipe for Pan Burger with Fried Egg and Special Sauce.

Chicken under a brick
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Whoever first placed brick to backbone was smart enough to recognize that the extra weight helped press the bird evenly—and forcefully—against the grill, which translates into a juicier bird with a crisper skin—a win-win in our book.

Get our recipe for Chicken Under a Brick.

Pork tenderloin with grilled pineapple salsa
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Chicken breast may still be king of the American meat market, but pork tenderloin is no less worthy of the crown. Besides being nearly as lean as white meat chicken (a 3-ounce portion of cooked pork tenderloin has only 3 grams of fat), pork also boasts an impressive array of nutrients, including more than a third of a day’s dose of selenium, a trace mineral shown to be effective in cancer prevention.

Get our recipe for Grilled Pork Tenderloin With Pineapple Salsa.

Crock pot Italian meatballs with spaghetti
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

Can you ever go wrong with a spaghetti and meatball dinner? If you’re looking for a meal to serve a crowd, throwing together a large crock-pot of Italian meatballs is one of the easiest tricks of the trade.

Get our recipe for Crock-Pot Italian Meatballs.

garam masala chicken skewers with dip on wood serving board
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

If you’re entertaining guests who are following special diets, this simple recipe should fit their needs, too (as long as they aren’t vegetarian). There’s no breading on the chicken, so it’s safe for gluten-free guests to partake in this tasty app. And if your guests do eat gluten? The Greek yogurt-based dip would be perfect for pita dipping, too.

Get our recipe for Garam Masala Chicken Skewers with Fire-Roasted Jalapeno Dip.

open face hot ham cheese chipotle mayo
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

An open-face sandwich is an easy way to cut back on calories because there is only one slice of bread involved, so you can still satisfy your sandwich craving.

Get our recipe for Open-Face Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwich With Chipotle Mayo.

slow cooked turkey cassoulet in white bowls
Jason Donnelly

Turkey is often restricted to only be the star of the meal at Thanksgiving, but you can—and should!—eat it all year round. That’s why we made it the focal point of our cassoulet recipe.

Get our recipe for Slow Cooker Turkey Cassoulet.

Garlic shrimp scampi recipe with linguine on a marble counter with squeezed lemon
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

Usually this dish is served with pasta, but if you don’t want it, this recipe is delicious on its own! You could always make this shrimp scampi recipe with some roasted vegetables. Also, that shrimp scampi sauce is so delectable, a fresh loaf of crusty bread would be perfect for dipping! All you have to do is skip making the pasta in the instructions.

Get our recipe for Shrimp Scampi Linguine Pasta.

grilled steak topped with red wine butter next to steak fries
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Thanks to this healthy dinner recipe, you get a steak and a slab of spiked butter for a quarter of the cost and over 500 less calories than that of a similar dish you would order at Outback Steakhouse. Eating in looks good on you, so go ahead and dig on into this grilled steak recipe!

Get our recipe for Grilled Steak with Red Wine Butter.

slow cooker beef goulash in a white serving dish
Jason Donnelly

Now, you might be thinking that a goulash—which is a meat and veggies stew—would require a lot of time, but our recipe is made for your slow cooker. All you have to do is combine all of the ingredients into it, and let the time-saving appliance work its magic while you do whatever it is you need to do. It’s that easy!

Get our recipe for Slow Cooker Beef Goulash.

Two baked turkey wings on a plate ready to eat
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

We all know that wings are best when crispy, so we put together the best crispy baked turkey wings recipe. Not only that, but you can get them crispy by cooking them right in the oven! No deep frying necessary.

Get our recipe for Baked Turkey Wings.

smoked salmon boursin frittata
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

Can frittatas be considered as healthy dinner recipes? Pourquoi pas! This recipe is not only easy to make and ready in just a few minutes, but also allow you to step outside a basic frittata dish, too, with the creative addition of the salmon and Boursin cheese.

Get our recipe for Smoked Salmon and Boursin Cheese Frittata.

Chipotle shrimp quesadilla
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This quesadilla is plenty cheesy, but the abundance of spicy shrimp and caramelized vegetables teamed with the shattering crust of the tortilla means we can cut fat without sacrificing flavor in this recipe.

Get our recipe for Chipotle Shrimp Quesadilla.

chicken piccata

With this recipe, you can have a chicken dinner on the table in about 30 minutes. Not to mention, you’ll be using classic Italian ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. That’s our idea of the perfect healthy weeknight dinner!

Get our recipe for Chicken Piccata.

Asian tuna burgers with wasabi mayo
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

A firm, meaty fish like tuna is prime picking for the burger treatment, and we love making tuna burgers for a protein-packed meal. All it takes is a quick pulse in the food processor or even just a bit of fine chopping.

Get our recipe for Asian-Inspired Tuna Burger With Wasabi Mayo.

Steak nachos
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Why restrict nachos as an appetizer when it can easily be on your list of healthy dinner recipes? This recipe uses a spicy cheese sauce (which actually saves calories), a healthy amount of salsa, and plenty of fixings to deliver a high-flavor, low-calorie plate of goodness.

Get our recipe for Steak Nachos.

Turkey blt salad
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Bacon, lettuce, and tomato may be the finest combination ever introduced to sliced bread (sorry, PB&J…but you are a close second), but that doesn’t mean you need a sandwich to make this cozy relationship work. By turning the bread into crunchy croutons and the lettuce into the base of a salad, you minimize the refined carbs and maximize the healthiest part of the equation.

Get our recipe for Turkey BLT Salad.

Healthy turkey sloppy joes
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

It’s amazing that multiple companies make a living selling packets, boxes, and cans of sloppy joe mix, many of them loaded with funky preservatives and fillers that even chemists would have a difficult time deciphering. But thanks to our easy turkey sloppy joes, you’ll have a crowd-pleasing dinner on the table in about 15 minutes. This certainly has the potential to become one of your family’s favorite healthy dinner recipes.

Get our recipe for Turkey Sloppy Joes.

Close up of shrimp tacos
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

Are you looking to make a twist to your usual Taco Tuesday? Switch up the usual ground beef taco combinations and try making a different type of fish taco with this shrimp taco recipe instead! You can make this entire meal in less than 30 minutes, with the cook time only taking you about five or 10 minutes!

Get our recipe for Shrimp Taco Recipe with Pickled Onions.

Jalapeno cheeseburger
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This jalapeño cheeseburger recipe packs a bite for you spice lovers, while still staying lean thanks to a few smart swaps (like using lean sirloin and olive oil mayonnaise), which cut calories dramatically. This is a restaurant-worthy burger you can actually perfect right in your own kitchen.

Get our recipe for the Jalapeño Cheeseburger.

Caprese sandwich
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This recipe requires absolutely no effort, save for about 2 minutes of slicing and 2 minutes of toasting. Plus, it morphs easily into other dishes. Not in the mood for a sandwich? Ditch the bread and eat this as a salad for one of the easiest healthy dinner recipes you’ve ever made.

Get our recipe for the Caprese Sandwich.

Cheesy turkey meatloaf muffins
Waterbury Publicatons, Inc.

If meatloaf was a family dinner staple growing up, then this recipe will transcend you right back to your childhood. But unlike the usual meatloaf that you make, this particular recipe splits up the meat mixture into tiny meatloaf muffins—baked right in your muffin tin!

Get our recipe for Cheesy Turkey Meatloaf Muffins.

Grilled cheese with sauteed mushrooms
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

A better grilled cheese needs substance, something to turn it from a high-calorie snack into a low-calorie meal, hence the mushrooms and the pile of caramelized onions here. Mushrooms and Swiss are close buddies, so out goes the processed American cheese.

Get our recipe for Grilled Cheese With Sautéed Mushrooms.

Healthy grilled vegetable wrap
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This wrap makes for an easy and delicious lunch or dinner that’s ready in record time. Plus, thanks to the cheese and hearty amount of vegetables, you’ll still get a big boost of protein to keep you feeling satiated.

Get our recipe for Grilled Vegetable Wrap With Balsamic Mayo.

green chile pork soup and bread
Jason Donnelly

Cozying up to a warm bowl of soup is never a bad idea, but the problem with many canned, store-bought soups is that they are astronomically high in sodium. Thanks to this soup, one of our easiest healthy dinner recipes, you can enjoy a filling soup low in calories that will give you 25 grams of protein and six grams of fiber.

Get our recipe for Slow Cooker Green Chile Pork Soup.

Healthy italian tuna melt
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This recipe is fast and easy, and the ingredients are tasty, yet affordable, and they are even nonperishable, so you can keep extras on hand as a go-to during a particularly packed or stressful day, and your waistline won’t suffer a bit.

Get our recipe for Italian Tuna Melt.

Paleo chicken scaloppine
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Our lighter, more authentic version wraps chicken and sage in a layer of prosciutto, which then becomes a crispy skin that keeps the chicken moist while it sautés. A splash of wine and chicken stock directly into the cooking pan becomes your 2-minute sauce. Just the latest proof of why simpler is so often better.

Get our recipe for Chicken Scaloppine.

Healthy mac and cheese
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Mac and cheese may not seem like one of our healthy dinner recipes, but thanks to our take on it, you can enjoy this indulgent meal for under 400 calories a serving.

Get our recipe for Mac and Cheese.

Paleo grilled chicken pineapple sandwich
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Not even the relatively healthy genre of grilled chicken sandwiches is a safe bet when you seek sustenance away from home. Our sandwich is a spicy-sweet combination of teriyaki-glazed chicken, juicy grilled pineapple, and fiery jalapeños—a chicken sandwich to end all fatty chicken sandwiches.

Get our recipe for Spicy-Sweet Grilled Chicken and Pineapple Sandwich.

Low-calorie grilled caesar salad
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This recipe transforms the high-calorie dressing into a lighter vinaigrette and adds substance, flavor, and nutrition in the form of sun-dried tomatoes and olives. Think of this as the Caesar salad, reimagined.

Get our recipe for Grilled Caesar Salad.

Healthy baked ziti
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Lighten up a classic dish thanks to our healthier version of baked ziti! You can easily make it at home, and it won’t weigh you down. This is home-cooked comfort food at its finest.

Get our recipe for Baked Ziti.

Low-calorie chicken mole enchiladas
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

These enchiladas are not only easier to make than the Americanized versions served in most restaurants, but they’re also tastier and contain just 30 percent of the calories.

Get our recipe for Chicken Mole Enchiladas.

Healthy chicken fried rice
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Our recipe turns fried rice on its head, relying on a ton of fresh vegetables, considerably less rice, and a bit of oil for crisping it up.

Get our recipe for Takeout-Level Chicken Fried Rice.

Healthy chicken fajita burrito
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This burrito is American in spirit, which is to say it’s hearty and generously filled, but without the caloric excesses found at Chipotle Mexican Grill, Baja Fresh, and the country’s other burrito barons. We’ve not only made this recipe so that it will save you in calories, but it’s also quick and easy to make, so it’ll save you time, too.

Get our recipe for Chicken Fajita Burritos.

Paleo pulled pork sandwich
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

There’s no need to waste your entire daily caloric budget for the day with one sandwich! Enjoy our healthier take on the pulled pork sandwich with just 430 calories per serving.

Get our recipe for Pulled Pork Sandwiches.

Slow cooker chicken in red wine
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Coq au vin, as it’s known in France, is one of the world’s great dishes and all it takes to create it is a whole chicken, half a bottle of wine, and a few vegetables. A slow cooker makes matters even easier, but a good old-fashioned pot will do, too for this classic chicken in red wine recipe.

Get our recipe for Slow Cooker Chicken in Red Wine.

Paleo asian chicken meatballs
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

These chicken meatballs are inspired by street-corner grills in Vietnam and Thailand, where ginger, garlic, and chiles reign supreme. With those bold flavors, plus the char of a hot charcoal grill, you won’t need a fat-heavy mix of meat, or even a pile of spaghetti, to make an outstanding dinner with this chicken meatballs recipe.

Get our recipe for Asian Chicken Meatballs.

Vegetarian 3 cheese ravioli with cherry tomatoes
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Here, in this ravioli recipe, you get the depth and nuance of creamy ricotta, smoky mozzarella, and salty, sharp Parmesan, plus a sauce that would make anything taste great for just 510 calories.

Get our recipe for 3-Cheese Ravioli with Cherry Tomatoes.

beef taco recipe
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

While there are many different types of taco combinations to make, nothing can truly beat the classic combination of a beef taco. This beef taco recipe is the exact type of thing you would imagine when planning for Taco Tuesday, or better yet when you make a quick order over at Taco Bell.

Get our recipe for Classic Beef Tacos.

Low-calorie honey-mustard salmon with roasted asparagus
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Many Americans view fresh fish as restaurant fare, food best left to professionals to skillfully prepare. But when you leave the fish cooking to « professionals » at places like Outback, Friday’s, and Applebee’s, your hopes of a healthy dinner may be sunk. Why blow the cash and the heavy caloric toll on a meal you can prepare healthy dinner recipes in less time than it takes to order out?

Get our recipe for Honey-Mustard Glazed Salmon With Roasted Asparagus.

Paleo chili-mango chicken
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Using healthier oils and a hearty serving of sugar snap peas, this dish is a perfect balance that will leave your palate feeling warmed and satisfied, with a caloric intake that will leave you feeling healthy and renewed.

Get our recipe for Chili-Mango Chicken Stir-Fry.

healthy buffalo chicken and blue cheese sandwich
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

In this healthier buffalo chicken sandwich recipe, we stay true to the flavors people love by basting the chicken in hot sauce and butter after grilling, topping with a yogurt-based blue cheese sauce—but manage to do what no one else out there has done yet: make Buffalo chicken into one of the most mouth-watering healthy dinner recipes.

Get our recipe for the Grilled Buffalo Chicken and Blue Cheese Sandwich.

Clean lean miso marinated scallops
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Pureed fermented soybeans might not sound like good eats, but miso is one of the culinary world’s greatest flavor enhancers. The credit goes to miso’s huge dose of umami that it contributes to soups, dressings, and marinades. You’ll find a variety of miso pastes in the refrigerator section of upscale grocers such as Whole Foods.

Get our recipe for Miso-Glazed Scallops.

Paleo coffee-rubbed steak
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Coffee and steak might seem like an unlikely partnership, but the flavor of beef is actually heightened by the robust notes of java. This coffee-rubbed steak dish would be perfect with grilled vegetables and a side of black or pinto beans, or heat up a few corn tortillas and pass them out so everyone can make their own little tacos.

Get our recipe for Coffee-Rubbed Steak.

Low-calorie chicago dog
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Chicagoans take hot dogs pretty seriously. So seriously, in fact, that the actual order in which you apply the ingredients is of paramount importance (at least as they tell it). The fact that they come so loaded with produce (« run through the garden, » as they say) means that what could be a snack for some quickly turns into a surprisingly reasonable meal.

Get our recipe for the Low-Calorie Chicago Hot Dog.

Jambalaya (with paleo & gluten-free option)
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Spice up your list of healthy dinner recipes with this low-calorie jambalaya! By decreasing the rice ratio (or even swapping out with quinoa for a gluten-free alternative) and increasing the produce and protein, this jambalaya recipe cuts the calories and carbs dramatically.

Get our recipe for Low-Calorie, Low-Carb Jambalaya.

Vegetarian stuffed tomatoes
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

With this recipe for vegetarian-friendly stuffed tomatoes, you’ll spend just 2 minutes of your time doing the necessary prep work and only 20 minutes of actual cooking before you turn standard normal tomatoes into something memorable: sweet, creamy, crunchy, and imbued with faint whispers of garlic and fresh basil.

Get our recipe for Vegetarian-Friendly Stuffed Tomatoes.

Gluten-free chicken cordon cleu with honey mustard
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

If honey mustard feels a bit like gilding the lily, it is, but at 350 calories for the whole dish, why not? Plus, we’ve made this healthy dinner recipe gluten-free by simply swapping out regular breadcrumbs for gluten-free panko breadcrumbs.

Get our recipe for Chicken Cordon Bleu With Honey Mustard.

Vegetarian mushroom melts
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

We don’t mess around with fake patties in this mushroom burger recipe. Instead, we go straight for a meaty portobello cap, rubbed in olive oil and balsamic, and topped with a crown of melted mozz.

Get our recipe for Vegetarian Mushroom Burger With Mozzarella Cheese.

Paleo teriyaki pork chop with apple
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

These teriyaki pork chops are one of the easiest healthy dinner recipes to throw together on any given busy Tuesday night, but they’re seemingly fancy enough to serve to dinner guests on a special Saturday.

Get our recipe for Teriyaki Pork Chops With Sautéed Apples.

Healthy pizza with arugula, cherry tomatoes, and prosciutto
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This pie is based on a prosciutto arugula pizza once eaten at a trattoria high above the ocean in the impossibly scenic village of Positano, which clings to the cliffs above Italy’s Amalfi Coast. Though you’ll have a tough time re-creating the setting, this combination of ingredients flirts with those magical flavors.

Get our recipe for Healthy Arugula, Cherry Tomatoes, and Prosciutto Pizza.

Paleo moroccan salmon with quinoa
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This sweet and savory combination of spices could be rubbed on chicken or pork, but it takes especially well to the (healthy) fattiness of the salmon. The quinoa pilaf is a healthy, complex, and textured grain that gives this recipe a hearty, filling feel, too. It might become your new favorite salmon pairing!

Get our recipe for Moroccan-Inspired Quinoa Pilaf and Salmon.

Paleo margarita chicken 
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Our version of margarita chicken, a meal that you can have on the table in 20 minutes, contains all the same bells and whistles (Cheese! Salsa! Sizzle!), minus all the added calories and dollars spent on eating at a restaurant.

Get our recipe for Margarita Chicken.

Whole30 instant pot chicken zoodle soup
Posie Brien/Eat This, Not That!

Chicken noodle soup is the ultimate comfort food, especially during the cold weather months. We’ve made our special light version by swapping in zucchini noodles for regular noodles, which makes this recipe gluten-free, paleo, and Whole30-approved.

Get our recipe for Chicken Zoodle Soup.

vegan sausage sheet pan
Carlene Thomas/Eat This, Not That!

When it comes to plant-based sausages, there are lots of options on the market. Just like with any other grocery item, your best bet is to look for a nutrition label with a short ingredient list of recognizable foods. Make sure the sausage contains a decent amount of protein, and if there’s some fiber in there, that’s an added bonus. Stay away from plant ‘meats’ that are predominantly made up of carbohydrates.

Get our recipe for Sheet-Pan Vegan Sausage and Vegetables.

cooked lemon chicken inside an Instant Pot
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

Cooked in chicken broth with a touch of fresh lemon juice, this Instant Pot lemon chicken recipe is an easy and flavorful protein to add to your dinner plate. Pair it with some easy sides like roasted broccoli or Brussels sprouts for a well-rounded meal.

Get our recipe for Instant Pot Lemon Chicken.

air fryer breaded pork chop 1
Carlene Thomas/Eat This, Not That!

How do you make crispy breaded pork chops in a health-conscious way? Using an air fryer, of course! It will cut down on prep and cooking time as well as a substantial amount of calories and fat. Because the pork chop isn’t fried in oil, it doesn’t feel heavy and fatty like the one you’re frying in pan.

Get our recipe for Breaded Air Fryer Pork Chops.

sheet pan bbq chicken dinner on a marble counter
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

While this combination is one of our favorites, you really could try any combination that you desire. Not a fan of broccoli? Try adding some asparagus spears, Brussels sprouts, or green beans. Don’t like sweet potato? Roast up some regular potato bits, or even some chickpeas or cauliflower florets!

Get our recipe for 5-Ingredient BBQ Chicken Sheet Pan Dinner.

keto roast chicken on cooling rack with stringbeans
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

This dish delivers a satisfying old-world flavor, reminiscent of a time when fat was used to flavor everything. The green beans are so savory from the butter and cottage bacon, you’ll hope you’ve made enough for a second night of leftovers.

Get our recipe for Keto Smoky Paprika Roast Chicken With Savory Green Beans.

chicken tikka masala with naan bread
Kiersten Hickman/Eat This, Not That!

Letting the meat marinate in a yogurt sauce before cooking it will soften the chicken, which pairs well with the creamy tikka masala. Toast up naan to go with it, or for a low-carb version, simply serve this Instant Pot chicken tikka masala with cauliflower rice.

Get our recipe for Instant Pot Chicken Tikka Masala.

keto pesto chicken
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

This is a picture-perfect keto diet meal: chicken breasts topped with mozzarella cheese and pesto sauce. Pesto, made from basil, olive oil, garlic, Parmesan cheese, and pine nuts adds rich, satiating, heart-healthy unsaturated fats to the dinner.

Get our recipe for Pesto Chicken.

Paleo spread stir fry
Waterbury Publications, Inc.

With just under 400 calories a serving, this delectable stir-fry is perfect for paleo people and low-carb followers alike!

Get our recipe for Paleo Thai Beef Stir-Fry.

tandoori chicken skewers with lemon slices on pita

Looking for recipes to make on the grill that aren’t hamburgers and hot dogs? You’re in luck! This delicious tandoori chicken skewer recipe is about to be your favorite new food to grill.

Get our recipe for Tandoori Chicken Skewers With Spicy Cucumber Raita.

Paleo roast pork loin with white beans
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

The Italian take on the pig is the opposite: They embrace and use the whole animal in a variety of ingenious and economizing ways. And none is more dramatic than porchetta, a whole suckling pig stuffed with fennel and herbs and roasted until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. We’ve ditched the whole pig but applied the same flavor-packed treatment to our favorite cut: the lean, meaty loin.

Get our recipe for Roast Pork Loin Recipe, Porchetta-Style With Lemony White Beans.

Paleo 90 minute roasted turkey with orange cranberry relish
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Turkey doesn’t have to only be served on Thanksgiving! Enjoy it any night of the week, or serve it to friends at your next dinner party with some of these healthy side dishes.

Get our recipe for 90-Minute Roasted Turkey With Orange-Cranberry Relish.

Healthy cornmeal catfish with corn salsa
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Think you won’t find a crunchy fish when searching for healthy dinner recipes? Think again! This catfish recipe mimics the satisfying crunch of a fried fillet and the corn salsa provides more flavor than you’d ever find in a coat of soybean oil.

Get our recipe for Crisp Cornmeal Catfish With Corn Salsa.

Paleo chicken adobo
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Chicken adobo is a staple of the Philippines, a dish so delicious and simple that it’s a wonder it’s not a weekday standard in houses across America. The key is to reduce the sauce down to a syrup thick enough to cling to the chicken and infuse your meal with a huge jolt of savory garlic-soy flavor.

Healthy red curry pork kebab
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

These red curry pork kebabs have plenty of both, all punched up with an addictive Thai coconut milk curry sauce that you’ll find yourself dipping everything in. Pineapple chunks would be a welcome addition here, too.

Get our recipe for Thai-Inspired Red Curry Pork Kebab.

Paleo stuffed chicken
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

The cheesy restaurant chicken dish (one likely to involve bacon and ranch dressing as well) will ruin any shot you have at a good day of eating. Apply those same appealing flavors at home to crispy stuffed chicken breast, though, and you’ll escape unscathed.

Get our recipe for Stuffed Chicken.

Healthy orecchiette broccoli rabe
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This classic combines slightly bitter, peppery broccoli rabe (or, if you can’t find rabe, regular broccoli) and lean crumbled sausage with orecchiette, little ear-shape pasta shells that cup the sauce beautifully.

Get our recipe for Orecchiette With Broccoli Rabe.

Paleo crispy duck breast in balsamic
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Duck breast may seem complicated to make, but trust us, it’s one of the easiest healthy dinner recipes you can make. All it takes is a hot pan and a bit of salt and pepper to cook up a moist, juicy duck breast that will rival any supermarket steak you might have instead. Seven ingredients and 15 minutes yield a dish chefs train 2 years to learn to prepare.

Get our recipe for Duck Breast With Balsamic.

Paleo grilled lamb gyros
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

This gyro packs a flavorful punch, but packs less calories with it. Stuffed with antioxidant-rich Greek-style yogurt, tomatoes, hummus, lamb and, of course, topped with hot sauce.

Get our recipe for Grilled Lamb Gyros.

Blackened tilapia with garlic line butter
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

Truth be told, the flavored butter here is the icing on the cake in this blackened tilapia recipe; if you have a great fresh piece of fish, just coat it with a bit of blackening spice, follow the cooking instructions, and maybe squeeze a lemon over the top.

Get our recipe for Blackened Tilapia With Garlic-Lime Butter.

Healthy basque chicken
Mitch Mandel and Thomas MacDonald

his dish combines some of the great flavors of northern Spain—smoked paprika, sweet peppers, piquant chorizo in a slow-cooked stew that could warm even the most frigid of souls.

Get our recipe for Basque Chicken.

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