Groupe de nouvelles de la communauté de San Diego

BRIEFING QUOTIDIEN – Une épicerie italienne est prévue pour Pacific Beach, la collecte de fonds pour la musique et la danse de Point Loma High, AleSmith publie Hope Hazy IPA ->

AleSmith Brewing Co. a publié Hope Hazy IPA pour aider les travailleurs de première ligne pendant et après la crise actuelle du COVID-19.

AleSmith Brewing Co. a publié Hope Hazy IPA pour aider les travailleurs de première ligne pendant et après la crise actuelle du COVID-19.


Un tour d’horizon des informations, de la communauté et des informations commerciales de mettant en évidence ce qui se passe dans notre communauté.

Lundi 10 août


AleSmith Brewing Co., ainsi que leur organisation à but non lucratif nouvellement créée, Anvil of Hope, ont officiellement publié AleSmith for Hope Hazy IPA. Ce communiqué démontre l’engagement tangible de la brasserie locale envers la communauté alors qu’elle «la verse en avant» pour aider les travailleurs de première ligne pendant et après la crise actuelle du COVID-19.

AleSmith Brewing Co.a collaboré avec Anvil of Hope pour faire don du produit de leur bière spécialement brassée aux membres de la communauté de San Diego qui ont été touchés de multiples façons par COVID-19. Les recettes d’AleSmith for Hope Hazy IPA aideront les organisations qui soutiennent la mission d’Anvil of Hope et seront spécifiquement affectées aux travailleurs de première ligne et à leurs familles.

Anvil of Hope est une idée originale des propriétaires d’AleSmith Brewing Co., Peter et Vicky Zien – fusionnant leur désir commun d’aider les autres avec leur affinité pour le brassage. En tant que manifestation et extension malléable de leur marque existante, l’organisation à but non lucratif vise à soutenir ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Vicky Zien, chef de file de la culture et de la communauté d’AleSmith, est le fer de lance des opérations de la composante caritative, dont la propre éducation a alimenté sa ferveur d’aider les autres.

«En grandissant comme l’un des cinq enfants, j’ai vu ce que ma mère a vécu en tant qu’immigrante mexicaine pour nous élever seule», a déclaré Vicky Zien. «Nous avons grandi en combattant les remarques racistes d’autres enfants, ce qui a certainement ajouté l’insulte à la blessure de notre famille, car nous luttions déjà pour joindre les deux bouts. Je trouve réconfortant de savoir que Peter partage ma passion d’aider les personnes dans le besoin, et les travailleurs de première ligne touchés par la pandémie de COVID-19 se sentaient comme le bon endroit pour commencer.


Les libraires de Warwick au 7812 Girard Ave. à La Jolla organiseront une signature de livre par Robin «R. RÉ. » Kardon de son dernier roman, «Angel Flight», le dimanche 27 septembre de 14 h à 16 h. Le premier roman de Kardon, « Flygirl », a grimpé sur la liste des best-sellers l’automne dernier avec son histoire de Tris Miles, une pilote essayant de briser le plafond bleu lorsqu’elle est bloquée par des collègues déterminés à la voir échouer. Mais ces gars ne s’attendaient pas à la détermination et au courage sans peur de Tris. Maintenant, Kardon lance «Angel Flight», qui poursuit le voyage de Tris. «Flygirl» a récemment été nommée finaliste dans deux catégories aux International Book Awards 2020 et a été saluée comme une histoire convaincante et sincère de courage et de rédemption.


Le chef et propriétaire de Enoteca Adriano de Pacific Beach au 4864 Cass St. prévoit d’ouvrir une épicerie italienne et une gelateria dans l’espace à côté de son restaurant plus tard cette année. Le chef Francesco Tassone a repris l’espace commercial voisin de 900 pieds carrés pour ouvrir Via Adriano, la première épicerie italienne de Pacific Beach.

La charcuterie servira une variété de sandwichs panini et de glaces, et pourra servir de marché avec des articles importés. Pour plus d’informations, visitez


Les programmes de gardes de musique et de danse du lycée Point Loma bénéficieront d’un programme de collecte de fonds au début de l’année scolaire. Envisagez de vous inscrire pour recevoir des aliments frais de la ferme livrés à votre domicile, les bénéfices bénéficiant directement à la musique et à la danse de PLHS. Cliquez ici Pour plus d’informations, visitez ou appelez le 800-796-6009. Utilisez le code promo: PLHSMUSIC.


Le mercredi 19 août, à 18 h une douzaine ou plus de jeunes leaders passionnés de San Diego participeront à un concours de discours en ligne. C’est le point culminant d’un programme spécial de leadership pour les jeunes Toastmasters conjoint de San Diego mercredi, de la Croix-Rouge, des comtés impériaux et des voyageurs. Contact [email protected], pour obtenir votre zoom, invitez à participer à ce concours de discours en ligne. Le concours de discours en ligne est ouvert aux étudiants et aux adultes de tout San Diego. En savoir plus sur Toastmasters Youth Leadership à

Vendredi 7 août


Dans un effort pour fonctionner de manière plus efficace et plus efficace et mieux servir les clients, le ministre des Postes Louis DeJoy à Washington, D.C., a annoncé le 8 août une structure organisationnelle modifiée pour le service postal américain. La nouvelle organisation alignera les fonctions en fonction des opérations commerciales de base et fournira plus de clarté et se concentrera sur ce que le service postal fait le mieux; collecter, traiter, déplacer et livrer le courrier et les colis.

La nouvelle structure organisationnelle se concentre sur trois unités opérationnelles:

– Opérations de vente au détail et de livraison – mission de base: Accepter et livrer le courrier et les colis efficacement avec un haut niveau de satisfaction client.

– Opérations de logistique et de traitement – mission de base: Traiter et acheminer efficacement le courrier et les colis vers les unités de livraison, conformément aux normes de service.

– Commerce et solutions d’affaires – mission de base: tirer parti de l’infrastructure pour favoriser la croissance.

Pour se préparer à de futurs changements, le Service postal a mis en place un gel de l’embauche de la direction et demandera à l’Office de la gestion du personnel une future autorisation de retraite anticipée volontaire pour les employés non représentés par une convention collective. Le service postal ne reçoit aucun impôt pour les dépenses d’exploitation et compte sur la vente de frais de poste, de produits et de services pour financer ses opérations.


Les 30 étages, 1190 chambres Hilton San Diego Bayfront rouvrira et commencera à accueillir les clients le mardi 11 août. À la réouverture, les équipements disponibles de l’hôtel et les opérations ajustées comprennent:

  • Restauration: pour plus de commodité, l’hôtel a activé une option de commande numérique à emporter ou de livraison en chambre à laquelle les clients peuvent accéder via un code QR ou une URL. Vous pourrez choisir de récupérer votre nourriture ou de la faire livrer dans votre chambre ou sur une chaise longue au bord de la piscine.

  • Piscine: La piscine chauffée au bord de l’eau sera disponible pour les clients de l’hôtel uniquement de 10 h à 18 h. Les bains à remous et les toboggans de la piscine pour enfants resteront fermés conformément aux directives du comté. Les chaises longues au bord de la piscine ont été configurées pour suivre les directives de distanciation sociale et nettoyées régulièrement.

  • Centre de remise en forme et spa: conformément aux réglementations sanitaires du comté, le centre de remise en forme et le spa ne seront pas ouverts à la réouverture.

  • Politique d’annulation: Hilton a apporté des ajustements supplémentaires aux politiques de modification et d’annulation pour offrir aux clients une flexibilité maximale. Toute réservation effectuée du 12 mars au 31 août, même avec des arrivées pour des dates au-delà du 31 août, peut être modifiée gratuitement jusqu’à 24 heures avant la date d’arrivée prévue.

  • Réunions, événements: Hilton San Diego Bayfront s’engage à créer des expériences événementielles propres, flexibles, sûres et socialement responsables.


Dans une étape importante vers l’atteinte des objectifs d’efficacité et d’indépendance de l’eau de la Ville, le maire Kevin L. Faulconer a annoncé que la Ville sollicitait des soumissions pour la construction de l’installation d’eau pure de North City, la première de plusieurs soumissions pour le programme Pure Water, qui devrait créer plus de 1 000 emplois verts contribuant à l’effort de reprise économique régionale. Cette étape marque le début de Eau pure San DiegoL ’approche échelonnée et pluriannuelle de l’ entreprise utilisant une technologie éprouvée pour nettoyer l ’eau recyclée afin de produire 30 millions de gallons d’ eau sûre et de haute qualité par jour. Avec l’achèvement de la phase 1, le programme Pure Water fournira un tiers de l’approvisionnement en eau de San Diego d’ici 2035, un élément essentiel du monument de Faulconer Plan d’action climatique. Plus d’informations sur Eau pure San Diego et l’appel d’offres est disponible à


Artlita chez est une galerie d’art moderne basée à Pacific Beach qui offre des conseils en art en personne à une clientèle aussi loin au nord que Santa Barbara. Le 7 août, Artlita a annoncé l’embauche de six employés, le premier pour la galerie d’art startup qui propose Beaux-arts contemporains pour la vente et la location. Cette étape est une étape majeure pour Artlita dans sa mission d’élever les artistes émergents dans les régions du sud de la Californie et de la Basse-Californie. L’entreprise n’a pas de vitrine physique, ce qui était voulu par la conception. Son site Web dispose d’une technologie qui vous permet de voir l’art virtuellement sur vos murs. Accédez simplement à l’un des les espaces pages et sélectionnez l’un des boutons rouges. Artlita est une galerie appartenant à des femmes créée dans le but d’élever les artistes californiens locaux tout en créant des environnements inspirants pour la clientèle.


La prochaine réunion Zoom du Rotary Club de La Jolla, le mardi 11 août, présentera la conférencière invitée Erica Ollmann-Saphire, Ph.D, professeur à l’Institut La Jolla d’immunologie. Elle parlera de son consortium international financé par la Melinda & Bill Gates Foundation qui travaille pour déterminer la meilleure utilisation des anticorps pour aider à combattre le COVID-19. L’équipe d’Erica a résolu les structures des glycoprotéines des virus Ebola, Soudan, Marburg et Lassa et a découvert comment les anticorps humains peuvent vaincre ces virus.

Récemment, la Fondation Gates lui a demandé de diriger le consortium immunothérapeutique contre le coronavirus et travaille avec Operation Warp Speed ​​pour faire progresser la thérapeutique par anticorps contre le SRAS-CoV-2. Pour plus d’informations, visitez Accédez à la réunion Rotary Zoom sur

Jeudi 6 août


«Je suis ravi de vous inviter tous cordialement à notre cérémonie virtuelle officielle de remise des diplômes le vendredi 7 août à 19 h», a déclaré la nouvelle directrice de l’école secondaire Point Loma, Kelly Lowry. «Faisons de cette soirée une soirée mémorable pour tous nos aînés de 2020 alors que nous rassemblons nos familles pour les célébrer. Nous serions ravis de vous voir tous célébrer avec votre famille à la maison, en regardant la vidéo ensemble en classe. » Lowry a déclaré qu’un lien serait envoyé le 7 août à 17 heures et publié sur le site Web de PLHS,

«Mais veuillez attendre 19 heures. pour commencer le spectacle ensemble », a déclaré Lowry. «Nous encourageons tous nos seniors à utiliser le hashtag #PLHSGraduation2020 avec des amis via Instagram, Snapchat, Zoom, FaceTime, etc. pour se connecter virtuellement les uns aux autres alors que nous organisons officiellement la cérémonie de remise des diplômes de la promotion 2020. Nous sommes si fiers de nos pointeurs. Nous souhaitons à tous nos seniors la meilleure des chances pour leur prochaine aventure. Nous savons que la promotion 2020 fera de grandes choses. »


Les gourmets de fromage du comté de San Diego ont compté les jours jusqu’au vendredi 7 août pour l’ajout de Qui a fait frire le fromage? au Fair Food Fix au Del Mar Fairgrounds. Avec six options – des spaghettis mélangés avec des épices cuites dans un moule à beignets, garnis d’un choix de sauce et de fromage; aux oeufs farcis aux macaronis et au fromage; et une farce savoureuse dans des raviolis frits ou des jalapeños – ce nouveau stand alimentaire promet de satisfaire le palais des connaisseurs les plus exigeants. Au total, 10 vendeurs de produits alimentaires servent toujours des plats inspirés du juste, y compris des plats préférés tels que Chicken Charlie’s, Tasti Chips, Dole Whip et Kettle Corn, entre autres.

Pour une liste complète à jour des stands et de leurs menus, visitez le site Web du salonet venez vivre une savoureuse expérience au volant. Chaque véhicule recevra également deux billets d’entrée gratuits à la foire du comté de San Diego 2021, avec tout achat de nourriture. Limité à deux billets par véhicule et par jour. En plus des offres de nourriture, les clients peuvent également acheter des produits équitables sur le stand officiel de la foire du comté de San Diego, qui comprend des articles en liquidation d’un prix allant de 3 $ à 5 $. Les heures sont: de midi à 20 h Les vendredis et samedis et de 12 h à 18 h Du dimanche à la fête du Travail, le 7 septembre. Entrez dans le parking principal sur le boulevard Jimmy Durante. Vous achèterez de la nourriture directement auprès de chaque fournisseur.


Un événement virtuel spécial pour honorer les premiers intervenants de Fire-Rescue aura lieu le vendredi 7 août à 19 h. les bénéfices contribueront à fournir les ressources nécessaires de toute urgence aux pompiers, aux sauveteurs et aux ambulanciers paramédicaux de San Diego pendant la pandémie mondiale COVID-19. Les participants peuvent s’inscrire à Les clients peuvent commander des forfaits de vins de qualité supérieure qui livreront une sélection de vins raffinés chez eux pour en profiter tout en regardant le concert.

L’événement virtuel Ready to Respond de la San Diego Fire Rescue Foundation et un concert-bénéfice, avec des ventes aux enchères silencieuses et en direct, comprend une performance du groupe hommage aux Rolling Stones, Mick Adams & The Stones, avec diffusion en direct de l’emblématique Belly Up Tavern. Le programme mettra en vedette les premiers intervenants qui ont été infectés et se sont rétablis du COVID-19, discutant de la façon dont la maladie les a touchés personnellement et de la façon dont ils ont pu reprendre le travail. Le service d’incendie et de sauvetage de San Diego a formé une équipe d’intervention COVID-19 pour changer la façon dont le service fonctionne pour faire face à la pandémie.


Jusqu’à présent, SDCCU Stuff the Bus a collecté 82 000 $ pour aider à fournir des fournitures scolaires aux élèves sans-abri, et la Fondation Danna a accepté d’égaler tous les dons supplémentaires faits maintenant jusqu’au 31 août, jusqu’à 20 000 $. C’est la sixième année consécutive que Caisse populaire du comté de San Diego s’est associé au bureau de l’éducation du comté de San Diego (SDCOE) et aux stations de radio iHeartMedia pour soutenir Live Well San Diego afin de collecter des fonds pour les étudiants dans le besoin. La collecte de fonds a débuté le 1er juillet, mais en raison du besoin accru cette année en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 et de tant de familles confrontées à des difficultés financières, la campagne a été prolongée jusqu’au 31 août.

Plus de 22 000 enfants d’âge scolaire ont été identifiés comme sans-abri au cours de la dernière année scolaire. L’itinérance pour les enfants d’âge scolaire peut signifier vivre dans un refuge, partager une résidence avec plusieurs familles, vivre dans une voiture ou une remorque dans le comté de San Diego ou partager une chambre dans un appartement avec des parents. Les dons sont également acceptés en ligne sur les stations de radio iHeartMedia San Diego Star 94.1, Channel 93.3, JAM’N 95.7 et KOGO AM 600. Pour plus d’informations ou pour faire un don, visitez

Mercredi 5 août


Le district d’amélioration des affaires de Pacific Beach, Discover PB, tient son élection annuelle à son conseil d’administration à l’automne. Des candidatures sont actuellement sollicitées pour cinq sièges disponibles pour le conseil d’administration de 15 membres, qui a nommé un comité de nomination auquel les candidatures peuvent être faites en soumettant une pétition ou une lettre. La pétition ou la lettre de mise en candidature doit être soumise au comité de mise en candidature avant le 27 août à 17 h, soit par la poste, soit par courriel. [email protected]

Le quartier d’amélioration des affaires de Pacific Beach comprend des immeubles commerciaux et locatifs de six unités ou plus, dans la zone délimitée par l’Interstate 5, la promenade de Mission Beach, Crown Point Drive et Turquoise Street. Le but du district d’amélioration des affaires et de la Pacific Beach Community Development Corporation est de fournir un cadre organisationnel et un financement pour l’amélioration de la zone. Les titulaires d’une licence commerciale de la région de Pacific Beach et les propriétaires de biens locatifs de six logements ou plus sont invités à se présenter aux élections en tant que membre du conseil d’administration de la Pacific Beach Community Development Corporation.

Le conseil d’administration examinera également la liste des titulaires de permis d’entreprise et de location pour confirmer l’éligibilité de leur représentant à être des délégués votants pour l’élection. Le délégué commercial sera la personne nommée dans cette licence commerciale, à moins qu’une entreprise n’indique différemment par écrit au conseil d’administration de la Pacific Beach Community Development Corporation.

Le conseil d’administration doit recevoir l’avis écrit du changement de délégué commercial au plus tard à sa réunion du 1er septembre. Le mandat de tous les délégués prendra fin avec l’élection. La liste des titulaires de permis d’entreprise et de propriété ayant le droit de voter sera disponible pour examen après le 1er septembre en contactant Sara Berns au 858-273-3303.

Le conseil examinera ensuite les rapports et autres questions à inscrire à l’ordre du jour de l’assemblée électorale annuelle. La réunion annuelle du conseil d’administration est prévue le 20 octobre à 17 h. au bureau de Discover PB, 1503 Garnet Ave. Les membres nouvellement élus du conseil seront intronisés et le conseil examinera tout autre point inscrit à l’ordre du jour par le conseil. Une majorité du conseil d’administration actuel constituera le quorum pour une réunion des délégués pour la réunion annuelle du 20 octobre.


Alex Howell de la succursale de La Jolla d’UBS a récemment figuré dans la liste Forbes / SHOOK Top Next-Gen Wealth Advisors 2020. La liste 2020 Top Next-Gen reconnaît 500 conseillers en croissance qui aident collectivement à gérer plus de 1000 milliards de dollars d’actifs clients. Howell figurait dans les listes Forbes 2018 et 2019 des meilleurs conseillers en patrimoine de nouvelle génération de l’État.

«En tant que futur leader de l’industrie, Alex était déjà apparu avec d’autres sur des listes d’étoiles montantes à plusieurs reprises et la cohérence avec laquelle ils entretiennent des relations constitue un excellent exemple pour ceux qui travaillent avec eux et pour les jeunes qui entrent dans la profession. Nous sommes extrêmement fiers d’eux et de leurs équipes », a déclaré Chris Marsh, directeur général et responsable du marché UBS San Diego.


San Diego Youth Symphony, après avoir réussi la transition de tous les programmes en ligne, puis avoir passé un été plus calme que la normale, a annulé le programme International Youth Symphony et prévoit d’offrir de nouveaux cours d’été. La symphonie a donc déterminé que c’était une bonne occasion de renouer avec le public et de partager ses plans pour célébrer son 75e anniversaire.

Une carte postale du 75e anniversaire arrivera bientôt par la poste, mettant en évidence les événements actuellement prévus, notamment des artistes invités, des collaborations, des performances en plein air et une célébration très spéciale pour le 25e anniversaire du directeur musical Jeff Edmons. Après une célébration de fin de saison prévue en juin, il est prévu de ramener le programme International Youth Symphony et d’offrir de nouveaux cours à l’été 2021.


Après plusieurs semaines de réhabilitation à SeaWorld San Diego, deux oiseaux minuscules mais incroyablement uniques – une sterne de Californie et un pluvier des neiges de l’ouest – ont récemment été renvoyés dans leur habitat naturel pour une seconde chance de vivre sur une plage protégée de la base navale. Coronado. Les deux oiseaux étaient équipés de bandes d’identification afin que les biologistes de la faune de SeaWorld puissent continuer à suivre leurs progrès.

Bien que ces deux oiseaux soient de petite taille, leur importance pour l’écosystème local est énorme. Les deux espèces sont des indicateurs de la santé des plages côtières et des environnements océaniques. Le retour de ces deux oiseaux illustre la collaboration entre SeaWorld San Diego, la base navale de Coronado et le zoo de San Diego Global, qui s’associent pour collecter, réhabiliter et relâcher une poignée de ces oiseaux menacés et en voie de disparition à chaque saison de nidification.


Des chercheurs de la faculté de médecine de l’Université de Californie à San Diego font partie des contributeurs à un ensemble de 10 études, publié le 29 juillet dans la revue Nature, décrivant les derniers résultats du projet Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) en cours, un effort mondial dirigé par les National Institutes of Health pour comprendre le fonctionnement du génome humain.

Cette troisième série d’articles publiés comprend des descriptions de millions de «commutateurs» ADN candidats des génomes humains et murins qui semblent réguler le moment et l’endroit où les gènes sont activés, un nouveau registre qui attribue une partie de ces commutateurs ADN à des catégories biologiques utiles et de nouveaux outils de visualisation pour aider à l’utilisation des grands ensembles de données d’ENCODE.

Pour évaluer les fonctions potentielles de différentes régions de l’ADN, les chercheurs d’ENCODE ont étudié les processus biochimiques généralement associés aux commutateurs qui régulent les gènes. Cette approche biochimique est un moyen efficace d’explorer l’ensemble du génome de manière rapide et complète.

Mardi 4 août


Poissonnerie de Point Loma commence le mois d’août avec un nouveau lundi de Margarita. Vous pourrez profiter de 2 USD de réduction sur l’une des margaritas de spécialité de l’établissement. Il existe de nombreuses options parmi lesquelles choisir, notamment les margaritas glacées, la margarita classique de la maison, la margarita épicée et une margarita aux fraises. Et n’oubliez pas la margarita épicée aux pêches, un mélange de tequila, triple sec, purée de pêche, jalapeños, jus de lime frais et mélange de margarita Fish Shop signature, servi sur de la glace avec un bord de tajin. Associez n’importe quelle margarita aux tacos du Fish Shop, ou préparez votre propre taco, salade, assiette ou sandwich. La spéciale se déroule toute la journée.


UNE Nouveau Une étude montre que le coronavirus conduit à un nombre sans précédent d’escroqueries et que la Californie est l’État n ° 1 le plus ciblé. Au 15 juillet, les résidents de Californie ont déposé 10 938 plaintes pour fraude auprès de la FTC. Cela représente une augmentation de 110% depuis que l’OMS a déclaré une pandémie en mars, lorsque 5 211 plaintes ont été déposées. Cela a entraîné des pertes de 14,8 millions de dollars ou 300 dollars par victime dans l’État.

À l’échelle nationale, la FTC a enregistré 144 727 rapports de fraude ayant coûté 93 millions de dollars aux victimes, soit une perte médiane de 263 dollars par personne. Voici quatre arnaques d’achats en ligne courantes à éviter:

LE PRIX GOUGING: Certains détaillants marquent les articles essentiels tels que le papier hygiénique et le désinfectant pour les mains à des niveaux abominables. Comment éviter: si vous pensez être victime d’une escroquerie, signalez-le au département de la Justice. Actuellement, le marché est réapprovisionné à des prix normaux pour les articles essentiels et c’est une bonne idée de prévoir une deuxième ou une troisième vague.

L’ARNAQUE DES MARCHANDISES NON LIVRÉES: Il existe des milliers de sites Web proposant des produits essentiels, notamment des masques et des gants, qui prennent simplement vos informations de paiement et financières, ne vous envoient jamais le produit et disposent de vos informations pour de futures escroqueries. Comment éviter: Achetez des produits de grandes entreprises en qui vous avez confiance. S’il s’agit d’une petite entreprise, faites des recherches en les recherchant sur Google pour voir les avis et si des plaintes ont été déposées. Délai d’expédition: en raison de cette arnaque, les vendeurs sont tenus par la loi de vous donner une date d’expédition estimée ou de vous expédier vos produits dans les 30 jours. S’il y a un retard dans la date d’expédition prévue, l’entreprise auprès de laquelle vous avez acheté le produit doit vous en informer.

ARNAQUE GRATUITE DES ÉPICERIES: Les fraudeurs envoient un texto à leurs victimes pour leur dire qu’ils viennent de gagner des courses gratuites de Costco d’une valeur de 130 $. Tout ce que les clients doivent faire est de donner aux escrocs leurs informations personnelles, et ils recevront soi-disant des produits d’épicerie Costco gratuits à leur porte. Comment éviter: Il n’existe actuellement aucune chaîne nationale d’épicerie proposant des produits d’épicerie gratuits. Ne communiquez pas vos informations personnelles.


Vivez virtuellement la magie du gala annuel de l’arc de San Diego. L’événement de cette année aura lieu le samedi 29 août à 18 h. En vedette, de fabuleux articles aux enchères et d’autres prix, ainsi que des conférenciers spéciaux et des divertissements musicaux. Présidé par Linda Kurtin, les profits profiteront aux enfants et aux adultes recevant des services essentiels à la vie à l’Arc de San Diego. Pour acheter un parrainage ou faire un don, visitez


En août, la plupart des membres de la Coalition pour le bien-être des animaux de San Diego participe à une campagne nationale pour «Nettoyer les abris» en partenariat avec NBC Universal et Telemundo. Pour aider les individus et les communautés à continuer de pratiquer une distanciation sociale sûre, Clear the Shelters de cette année est un peu différent. Au lieu d’un événement d’une journée, cette campagne d’adoption s’étendra sur un mois entier pour permettre des consultations d’adoption virtuelle sur rendez-vous. En plus de promouvoir les adoptions, la campagne encourage les dons aux refuges participants.

Avantages de l’adoption d’animaux de compagnie

* L’adoption est plus abordable que l’achat d’un animal de compagnie.

* Vous savez que vous obtenez un animal qui a été évalué sur le plan comportemental et médical.

* Vous pouvez recevoir des ressources spécifiques aux animaux de compagnie. Par exemple, la San Diego Humane Society propose des conseils de formation, des fournitures pour animaux de compagnie et des informations éducatives pour soutenir les familles d’animaux de compagnie pendant toute la durée de vie d’un animal.


Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego a accueilli les invités à partir du 2 août après sa pause de service temporaire en raison du COVID-19. Cet hôtel au bord de l’eau, situé dans le centre-ville de San Diego, offre à ses clients une escapade idéale et accessible ou un séjour estival. Avec deux tours et 1628 chambres, la vaste propriété dispose d’un grand espace pour se distancer socialement grâce à une rénovation complète de l’ensemble de la propriété, achevée en décembre. L’amélioration finale comprenait le hall, après quoi l’entrée, les clients sont accueillis par une expérience d’arrivée simplifiée et un hall avec de hauts plafonds, une architecture contemporaine et un design qui fait écho à l’esthétique moderne qui a été introduite dans le reste de l’hôtel.


L’équipe professionnelle de crosse des San Diego Seals, qui joue ses matchs à domicile au Pechanga Arena dans le Midway District, a fait équipe avec Home of Guiding Hands pour présenter le Défi Fuel for Movement Healthy Lifestyle, une campagne d’un mois pour la promotion de la santé et la collecte de fonds pour une grande cause.

Tout au long du mois d’août, le contenu axé sur les médias sociaux demandera aux San Diegans comment ils restent en bonne santé et actifs, tandis que la collecte de fonds en magasin dans les 21 sites d’everbowl à San Diego soutiendra HGH, une organisation à but non lucratif basée à San Diego qui sert les enfants et les adultes en développement et les déficiences intellectuelles.

Pour relever le défi, les participants doivent publier sur les réseaux sociaux leur réponse à la question du jour avec le hashtag # Fuel4Movement et taguer et suivre les comptes Seals (@SealsLax) et everbowl (@ everbowl / @ everbowlCraftSuperfood).


Avec de nombreuses personnes travaillant maintenant à distance, le besoin d’un espace où vous pouvez trouver la paix et la concentration est devenu une nécessité. Le Lodge à Torrey Pines à La Jolla réserve maintenant une chambre / bureau pour la journée offrant une vue imprenable et toutes les commodités de luxe, y compris le service d’étage et les cabines au bord de la piscine, le complexe AAA Five Diamond a à offrir. Les clients peuvent même passer au Forfait Business to a Tee, qui comprend une heure de départ prioritaire sur le parcours de golf de Torrey Pines.


Début 2020 Brassage de la pierre a lancé la Stone Pilot Series pour tester des bières pour une place convoitée dans sa gamme nationale toute l’année. Au milieu de l’année, la deuxième sortie de la série a fait ses preuves. Stone Brewing annonce que Stone Buenaveza Salt & Lime Lager est là pour rester, et pour célébrer, sort son nouveau compagnon, le Mélange Pierre Michelada.

Pour célébrer le succès de Stone Buenaveza Salt & Lime Lager, Stone annonce également la sortie de son mélange Stone Michelada. Pas dans le secteur de la sauce, mais très certainement dans le secteur de toute excuse pour boire une bière, Stone a fait un mélange de jus de tomate, de sauce piquante, de poivrons et d’épices. Le mélange de 32 onces est disponible à Il sera bientôt vendu en magasin aux côtés de Stone Buenaveza Salt & Lime Lager.


Andrea Myers, associé du cabinet d’avocats Seltzer Caplan McMahon Vitek, a été élu président de la Junior League de San Diego. Le mandat de Myers a pris effet le 1er juillet et elle sera présidente jusqu’en juin 2021.

Suivant les traces de sa grand-mère et de sa mère, Myers a poursuivi l’implication active de sa famille dans l’organisation. Myers s’est joint à la Ligue en 2010 et a occupé plusieurs postes de direction, y compris celui de directeur du développement des fonds et de président du comité des candidatures. Elle se consacre avec passion à la poursuite de la mission de la Ligue junior de bâtir de meilleures communautés et de former la prochaine génération de femmes leaders.


La San Diego Green New Deal Alliance, une coalition diversifiée et populaire de syndicats locaux, d’organisations de justice environnementale et sociale, de groupes confessionnels et de petites entreprises sera rejointe par des élus, des dirigeants communautaires et le public lors d’un lancement virtuel officiel lundi, 10 août à 11 h

Parmi les participants figureront la Campagne d’action pour le climat, le superviseur du comté Nathan Fletcher, la Scripps Institution of Oceanography, le membre du conseil de San Diego Chris Ward, la Coalition pour la durabilité urbaine de San Diego et les bandes d’Indiens de la mission de Kumeyaay et Barona.

Les conclusions de 2018 du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat préviennent l’événement virtuel qui avertit que l’humanité doit parvenir à un avenir sans carbone. Ne pas le faire, selon le panel, entraînera des conséquences catastrophiques et irréversibles, les communautés de couleur étant sur le point de souffrir de manière disproportionnée. La San Diego Green New Deal Alliance estime que les communautés ne peuvent pas se permettre d’attendre une action fédérale, et que notre région peut et doit diriger les efforts pour parvenir à un avenir vivable d’une manière qui crée de bons emplois et des communautés plus justes. Le lancement virtuel est accessible par s’inscrire ici.


Powerhaus Wholesome Pizza & Eats, situé au 1550 Garnet Ave., participe à la découverte de Pacific Beach, le quartier d’amélioration des affaires de la communauté.

« DPB fournit des services de balayage des trottoirs quatre jours par semaine et entretient 36 poubelles publiques pour notre quartier », a déclaré le restaurant dans un communiqué. «Avec l’augmentation des repas en plein air et des plats à emporter, cet été a vu une augmentation significative des déchets. Dans le même temps, DPB a dû annuler la plupart de ses principaux événements de collecte de fonds cette année en raison du COVID. Chez Powerhaus, nous voulons soutenir les efforts continus de DPB pour le nettoyage des trottoirs et d’autres projets d’amélioration de la communauté, et nous demandons votre aide pour ce faire. C’est simple. Commandez Powerhaus le 12 août. Faites-nous savoir que vous participez à la collecte de fonds, et nous reverserons 25% de votre commande à Discover PB. « Contactez Powerhaus au 858-886-7666 ou par e-mail [email protected].


L’Association des gouvernements de San Diego, l’agence de planification des transports de la région, donne deux présentations d’information virtuelles à 9 heures du matin les 7 et 14 août sur les plans de l’agence pour lutter contre les embouteillages, accroître l’équité sociale en élargissant l’accès à un transport en commun de qualité et en répondant à la serre de l’État. mandats d’émissions de gaz.

La vision du transport pour le Plan régional 2021 réinvente la mobilité au 21e siècle et est fondamentalement façonnée par des stratégies clés connues sous le nom de 5 grands mouvements. Ces réunions auront lieu virtuellement via Zoom et sera ouvert au public. Du temps sera alloué aux discussions du comité et aux commentaires du public. Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish will be available at each meeting.


San Diego International Airport (SAN) will add once daily, nonstop service to Santa Barbara via Santa Barbara Airport (SBA) on Alaska Airlines beginning Nov. 20. This is a new route and the 29th destination Alaska services from SAN.

The addition of service to Santa Barbara marks the fifth new market added by Alaska Airlines in 2020. Service to Redmond, Ore. and San Luis Obispo began in January. In July, Alaska Airlines announced service to Cancun, Mexico, beginning Nov. 20 through April 12, 2021 and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. beginning Nov. 21. Service to Missoula, Mont. will begin March 11, 2021.

Thursday, July 30


City Tacos taqueria will set up a pop-up installation at Belmont Park, in partnership with the iconic Mission Beach attraction. Beginning Saturday, Aug. 1, City Tacos, will bring its taco selections, along with a pop-up beer garden and specialty cocktail menu to the amusement park. The installation will kick-off this weekend from noon to 9 p.m., with menu favorites available on weekends all month long.

With six existing locations, owner and founder, Gerry Torres is “ecstatic to introduce City Tacos to the Mission Beach community in partnership with Belmont Park.” The City Tacos pop-up will be located at 3146 Mission Blvd. at the oceanfront rooftop Coaster Terrace.


Weekends in PB just got more exciting as Mavericks Beach Club is launching a brand-new brunch menu. On Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., chow down on:

  • The Cali Dude Breakfast Burrito loaded with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, fajita veggies, French fries, pinto beans, cheddar jack cheese, pico de gallo, and chipotle aioli, with the option to add queso sauce for a few extra bucks.

  • The beach bar will also be serving the Mavericks Frittata, made with carnitas, egg, fajita vegetables, cheddar jack cheese, pico de gallo, and lime crema. Guests can also enjoy the chorizo or veggie frittatas.

  • Try one-of-a-kind Morning Fries, piled high with chorizo, queso sauce, guac, fried egg, pico de gallo, chipotle aioli, and cotija cheese.

  • And for those who want to brunch healthy, opt for the Loaded Avocado Toast – thick cut multigrain toast, avocado, heirloom tomato, olive oil, feta cheese, fried eggs, and microgreens.

Mavericks Beach Club has expanded its patio seating to their side parking lot, and also along with the street parking on Garnet. Guests can also order via the website for pickup.


Zafiris J. “Jeff” Daskalakis, MD, PhD, has been named chair of the Department of Psychiatry at University of California San Diego School of Medicine. Daskalakis was previously professor of psychiatry at University of Toronto and co-director of the Temerty Centre for Therapeutic Brain Intervention and chief of the General Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems Division, both at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. CAMH is Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital. The Temerty Centre is one of the world’s hubs for brain stimulation treatment, research and training.


California high school seniors who were on track to graduate before their schooling was disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic will be able to receive their graduating diploma under legislation by State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) that passed the Senate Education Committee on a 6-0 vote.

“A high school diploma represents 13 years of hard work and dedication by a student. This achievement should not be denied to a student because an unprecedented pandemic interrupted the final few months of that student’s journey,” Gonzalez said.

In response to the Governor’s Stay at Home Order to contain the spread of COVID-19, many school districts moved to distance learning models in March that use online methods. These digital learning tools have not been equally accessible, as nearly a third of California students don’t have a high-speed internet connection. This so-called “homework gap” is even more pronounced in Black, Latino and lower-income households.

Given the unprecedented economic, social and health impacts of COVID-19, many older students have also faced added family responsibilities that detract from their education. This includes, but is not limited to, taking care of an ill family member, working to supplement the household income, and taking on childcare responsibilities.

Assembly Bill 1350 would allow school districts or other education offices to grant a high school diploma to students who meet the following criteria:

·         Students must have been in their senior year of high school during the 2019-20 school year;

·         Students are on track to graduate as of March 1, 2020;

·         Students were not able to complete statewide graduation requirements as a result of COVID-19.

For questions on AB 1350 contact Sami


The next Restoration Advisory Board Meeting for the Naval Base Point Loma Complex Environmental Restoration Program is scheduled Wednesday, Aug. 19 at 5:45 p.m. This will be a virtual meeting and it is open to the public. To request a link for this virtual meeting, contact Kellie Koenig at [email protected]. For more information, call 619-556-8926.


Diplomas for the PLHS Class of 2020 can be picked up on campus on Friday, July 31, or Monday, Aug, 17, from 11 a.m-1 p.m. in the school cafeteria. The graduate must pick up their diploma in person and bring an ID. Students should enter on Chatsworth at the ramp, wear a face covering, and follow social-distancing rules. Textbooks and calculators for all grades can also be returned on these dates.

Wednesday, July 29


California native plants, arriving during the planting season for those starting or supplementing a California native garden between Sept. 1-15, can be ordered at Pickup will be the final weekend of October at a central location in the City of San Diego. There will be California native plants of just about every description from grasses to trees and shrubs, perennials to annuals, and even some succulents and ferns. California native plants are optimal for saving water; attracting native birds, bees and butterflies; and reviving California’s unique seasonal palette of color and texture at home.

This year, the sale will be by pre-order only with a $75 minimum. Credit cards and PayPal will be accepted online for:

* 300-plus different species of California native plants;

* 100-plus different species of California native seeds and bulbs;

* Books and merchandise for sale;

* Pick up by appointment to keep people safe;

* CNPS members receive an additional plant at pick up;

* CNPS members placing orders of $250 or more receive a CNPS logo-branded hat or apron of their choosing.

For more information on the sale, visit For questions contact Connie di Girolamo at [email protected] or call 619-800-0898. Proceeds support the California Native Plant Society-San Diego Chapter, a nonprofit dedicated to the preservation and appreciation of native California flora and the crucial habitat it provides for wildlife and people.


The 12th annual Miracle Babies Superhero 5K will be held virtually from Aug. 16-31. Participants can walk/run/skip to support families with critically ill newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit.

The virtual event allows anyone anywhere to participate in this year’s 5K. The community is encouraged to come together online to show support by posting on social media with the hashtag #MB5K. Miracle Babies has a goal of raising $100,000 to purchase two shuttles to transport moms to and from the hospital from their home. Participants are encouraged to create a team and a personalized fundraising page. To register now and create a team, visit

Registration fees are $30 for virtual walkers and $45 for virtual runners. The cost of registration will also include a T-shirt and swag. Swag pickup will take place at Road Runner Kearny Mesa on Aug. 13 from 3-6 p.m., and at Liberty Station from 8 a.m.-11 a.m. on Aug. 16. Participants can also choose to have their swag shipped directly to them beginning Aug. 14.


Point Loma resident and 2020 High Tech High International graduate Hailey Pryor and Pacific Beach residents Isabella Catanzaro and Serena Jones have all earned the Gold Award, the pinnacle of the Girl Scout leadership experience. To achieve it, Girl Scouts create sustainable projects that impact local and global issues.

To earn her Gold Award, Pryor created the Sister City Exchange Program at her high school. Her goal was to increase cultural awareness among students and make travel affordable for all, regardless of income. She partnered with the Sister City Organization in San Diego and her group visited San Diego’s Sister City in Alcalá, Spain for two weeks. Students from Spain also stayed with Hailey’s group in San Diego for two weeks.

Catanzaro and Jones of PB both developed and implemented curriculum at their respective high schools as part of their Gold Award projects.

A 2019 graduate of Cathedral Catholic High School, Catanzaro created Next Generation Science Standard curriculum validated by her high school’s garden club to promote water conservation. She planned a workshop on the connection between personal outside water use and habitat preservation and designed a website focused on San Diego County’s habitats.

Jones, a La Jolla High Class of 2019 student, created an educational campaign called Critical Aid Relief Effort to educate La Jolla students on how to be safe in natural disasters. She hosted events to teach survival and planning techniques, held a clothing drive around her school to send to other students, and helped implement and maintain a water bottle refill station on campus.

Earning the Gold Award enables young women to distinguish themselves in the college admissions process, earn college scholarships, and enlist in the military at a higher pay grade. Many Gold Award Girl Scouts have gone on to become change-makers and prominent leaders in their communities. For more information, contact Girl Scouts San Diego regional recruitment specialist Elena Savignano, 619-610-0706, or [email protected], or visit


The California Lawyers Association announced the selection of San Diego City Attorney Mara W. Elliott as the 2020 Ronald M. George Public Lawyer of the Year. Elliott is the first San Diego City Attorney to be honored with this statewide award, which is given annually to a public sector attorney who provides outstanding service to the public, possesses an exemplary reputation in the legal community, and demonstrates the highest ethical standards.

“Protecting the public has been the driving motivation behind my career in public service, and I’m deeply humbled to be recognized by my peers,” Elliott said.

“Mara is the first woman, the first Latina, and the first mom to hold the office of San Diego City Attorney,” Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez said.


Pizza for breakfast? Yes, please! Gaslamp Breakfast Company at 551 J St. is blurring the lines between breakfast, lunch and dinner with their August Breakfast Pizza, tossed with house-made fresh pizza dough and topped with potato puree, mascarpone cheese, wake ‘n’ bacon and eggs, preserved lime gremolata, green onions, and mustard frill.

Tuesday, July 28


It is easy to bring beautiful Monarch butterflies into your backyard this summer by simply offering them the perfect meal – milkweed plants. Anyone can learn how to start their own butterfly garden thanks to a new video out now from the University of California Master Gardener Program of San Diego County. It only takes two and a half minutes to watch. You will get up close to caterpillars as they devour the milkweed on their way to becoming butterflies.

San Diego master gardener Sommer Cartier walks viewers through the life of a Monarch butterfly. The video is available now at For questions, email [email protected] or call the master gardener hotline at 858-822-6910.


It’s up to the City now to decide between two competing proposals for the long-term redevelopment of the Sports Arena area, following the conclusion of a virtual public open house. “Our understanding is a City committee will decide, based on the scoring criteria in the RFP, which of the two developers to enter into lease negations with,” said Josh Coyne, director of community engagement for District 2 Councilmember Dr. Jennifer Campbell. “We expect to know that answer in a few weeks, but don’t have an exact timeline.”

Coyne added lease negotiations aren’t expected to end until sometime early next year. “The lease terms will come to the City Council for final review,” he said. “Once a lease is voted on and approved by the City Council, project-specific details (a new stadium, building, etc.) will most likely also come back to council after the proper process has been followed.”

“The City is not able to comment on specifics of the proposals or timing of the decision at this time,” said senior City spokesperson Racquel Vasquez. “This information will be available when the panel has made its recommendation, per Council Policy 700-41.” For more information regarding the evaluation criteria, go to


UC San Diego Health is ranked first in San Diego and sixth in California, placing it among the nation’s best hospitals, according to the 2020-2021 U.S. News & World Report. The annual rankings are designed to assist patients and their doctors in making informed decisions about where to receive care for a variety of health conditions, common elective procedures and complex surgeries. For the 2020-2021 rankings, U.S. News & World Report evaluated more than 4,500 hospitals nationwide in 16 specialties and 10 procedures and conditions. In the 16 specialty areas, just 134 hospitals (2.9 percent) were ranked in at least one specialty. UC San Diego Health was ranked in the top 50 for 10 specialties

UC San Diego Health is comprised of UC San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest and Jacobs Medical Center, Sulpizio Cardiovascular Institute, Moores Cancer Center, Shiley Eye Institute, and the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute, all in La Jolla, as well as primary care and same-day services at clinics throughout Southern California. UC San Diego Health Medical Center is home to the area’s only Regional Burn Center and one of only two Level I trauma centers in the county.


La Jolla residents Matt and Lisa Bresnahan welcomed their daughter, Madeline, six weeks early at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns. Madeline weighed only 4 pounds and 1 ounce and spent 22 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Seeking to make a difference and learn more about why their daughter was born prematurely, Matt joined the San Diego Market Board of March of Dimes, the leading nonprofit dedicated to improving the health of moms and babies. Now, Matt and Lisa are co-chairing the newly launched San Diego Matching Gifts Campaign to support March of Dimes and their work to reduce preventable health risks for moms and babies, including reducing premature births and keeping moms and babies healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. With 100% of the board giving, the San Diego board of directors will match every dollar that the community contributes to March of Dimes up to $50,000.

« We fully support March of Dimes and their efforts to create a world where all mothers and babies have the best opportunity to thrive, » says Matt Bresnahan, partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati and March of Dimes San Diego Board member. « The pandemic is putting mom and baby health even more at risk. Through this Matching Gifts Campaign, Lisa and I hope to further support their mission. For example, ensuring research for COVID-19 treatments is inclusive and safe for pregnant and lactating women. From advocacy to education to research, March of Dimes is working to level the playing field so that all moms and babies are healthy and fewer babies are born preterm.”

Monday, July 27


Avenida de la Playa’s new al fresco dining set-up is now open each day through September from 11 a.m.-10 p.m. La Jolla Shores’ main drag, from El Paseo Grande to Calle de la Plata, will be closed to vehicles to create an elegant al fresco dining experience for the community.

Shores al fresco locations:

  • Barbarella Restaurant & Bar (858-454-7373)

  • Cheese Shop (858-459-3921)

  • Osteria Romantica (858-551-1221)

  • Piatti (858-454-1589)

  • Scoops La Jolla (858-246-6321)

  • Shore Rider (858-412-5308)

  • Sushi Mori Restaurant (858-551-8481)

In addition, you can still eat al fresco if you order take-out from Shore House Kitchen (858-459-3300), Galaxy Taco (858) 228-5655, House of Pizza (858) 551-0125, El Charro Mexican Food (858) 459-7900, Stella’s, Brick & Bell (858-459-3300), Corner Mercantile & Eatery (858-246-6294), Dough Momma Pizzeria (858) 246-6692and NeighborSaver Market (858-456-0260). Please remember to social distance and wear a mask until you are seated and enjoying your food.


Pacific Beach’s Backyard Kitchen & Tap is holding its first Movie Night on July 30 – a weekly promotion that will take place every Thursday at 8 p.m. in the sideyard extended patio space. Priced at $10 per ticket, the outdoor cinematic experience will feature a large projection screen and plenty of space for guests to socially distance, as well as a $10 food credit, popcorn and $5 Coronas available all night with the purchase of a ticket. They’ll be showing “Top Gun” at the first Movie Night, and tickets can be purchased at the entrance of sideyard.


Point Loma Nazarene University has announced it will be postponing its sports program until 2021. Due to the concerns arising from all the challenges surrounding COVID-19, the PacWest Executive Board voted unanimously recently to postpone intercollegiate competition in PacWest fall sports until after Jan. 1, 2021. PacWest fall sports include men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s soccer, and women’s volleyball. The action was taken due to rapidly changing information and guidelines from the NCAA.

« After months of planning, our conference made the difficult decision to suspend any competition until after Jan. 1, » said Point Loma athletic director Ethan Hamilton. « While disappointing, our attention continues to prioritize the health, safety and well-being of our student-athletes, coaches, and staff as well as our broader campus community. With this reality now in place, we are shifting our focus to provide a vibrant spring. We have been assessing and are developing scheduling options to launch competition for each of our 11 sports as soon as safely possible after the start of the new calendar year. »

While this decision postpones fall 2020 sports competition, institutions will still be allowed to conduct organized team activities at their own discretion, including workouts, practices, strength and conditioning, and access to their athletic training staff, as local, county, and state guidelines permit. Options for moving fall sport competition schedules into the winter/spring are being developed and reviewed.


Mothers Against Drunk Driving celebrates its 40th year with the MADD Law Enforcement Recognition Awards season presented virtually across California from July 27-31.

MADD asks people to join these meaningful virtual events and to take a stand with MADD to be #OneMADDCalifornia. The grass roots organization started the cultural revolution that made drunk driving unacceptable.  Donations will support the continuation of MADD California to provide underage drinking programs and services to victims and families of drunk and drugged driving at no cost.

Friday, July 2


Canceled this year on April 16 due to COVID, Point Loma Summer Concerts board reports the same lineup will return in 2021 when the annual summer concert series resumes. Musical acts that will be returning include Elton-The Early Years, Cassie B’s 90 Remix, Mighty Untouchables, 24K Magic, Tribute to Bruno Mars, and Pine Mountain Logs. This year was to have been the 20th season of Point Loma Summer Concerts. The family-friendly concerts have been a huge source of joy, community pride, and community collaboration. For more information, visit


Tri Tip Summer BBQs are back on Saturdays at Stump’s Family Marketplace in Point Loma. Pre-order by the pound (text 619-817-1813) for Santa Maria-style tri tip and smoked pulled pork. All orders come with bread, cilantro-lime coleslaw, and house-made BBQ sauce.


The Gaslamp Quarter is helping baseball fans root, root, root for the home team during the Padres’ opening weekend with large-scale chalk-art Padres murals in the streets of Fifth Avenue. Local artists created four temporary masterpieces on the black top along Fifth Avenue. In addition to celebrating the Padres and boosting civic pride, these art installations will add visual appeal to the closed streets of “thoroughFARE: Outdoor/Curbside Dining & Shopping in the Gaslamp.”

Running Wednesdays through Sundays, thoroughFARE now has more than 40 participating restaurants offering outdoor-dining experiences in the Gaslamp Quarter. Streets are closed to vehicular traffic, paving the way for socially distanced citizens to enjoy a meal al fresco (outdoors), whether under umbrellas during the day or under the stars (and Gaslamps) by night. See hours and participating restaurants at


The San Diego Seals lacrosse team in the National Lacrosse League, which plays its home games at Pechanga Sports Arena in the Midway District, have agreed to terms with captain Brodie Merrill on a one-year contract extension. Merrill, a 15-year NLL veteran and younger brother of general manager and head coach Patrick Merrill, has appeared in 28 games for San Diego recording 26 points, 216 loose balls and 32 caused turnovers. On Feb. 22, Merrill scooped up his 2,518th loose ball to become the NLL’s all-time loose ball leader. The future Hall of Famer was named the first captain in Seals history ahead of the team’s inaugural season in San Diego and helped lead the team to a home playoff berth in its first year.


The City of San Diego Development Services Department is expanding its residential and commercial inspection processes by offering optional virtual inspections for 23 common inspections for customer convenience while addressing COVID-19 risks and abiding by social distancing requirements.

Earlier this year, DSD began piloting the virtual inspections and allowing customers to submit photos to inspectors of work conducted with no-plan mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits.

No-Plan Simple MEP permits are issued for minor installations without the need to submit plans, including relocations of electrical outlets or rewiring of a unit and water heater replacements, among various minor installation and repair projects on existing buildings.

Each week, the City averages about 2,000 field inspections in both English and Spanish on commercial and residential construction projects as is required before any permitted construction work can be covered, concealed, occupied or placed into use. Inspections that may be conducted as virtual inspections include: Customers may request a virtual inspection by completing an Enhanced Inspection form on DSD’s website. If the inspection qualifies, assigned inspectors for each project will schedule the virtual inspection.


Bob Bolinger of La Jolla, as well as Rebecca Perez-Serrano and John Wylie of Point Loma, have been added to the Sharp HealthCare board of directors. Bolinger is a 30-year veteran of San Diego radio and has recently joined CerasoliStafford Media Management as a partner. The firm will be changing its name to CerasoliStaffordBolinger and doing business as CSB Impact. Wylie is a partner and portfolio manager at Nicholas Investment Partners and has over 35 years of experience in the financial markets. As chair of the Sharp HealthCare board of directors investment subcommittee since 2014, Wylie brings his extensive portfolio management experience to the board.

Thursday, July 23


Waterbar in Pacific Beach has officially opened its new rooftop patio to accommodate outdoor dining. One of the most scenic dining destinations in PB, Waterbar expanded it seating with an open-air experience, complete with ocean views and a special rooftop menu. The menu includes peel ‘n’ eat shrimp, Catarina scallop ceviche, and their West Coast lobster roll, plus a selection of salads and cheeseburgers. The new patio is open Mondays through Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fridays from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m., Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.


Tacos El Trompo, a Tijuana-style taco shop that has locations in National City and Barrio Logan, plans to open this fall in Mission Beach at 3819 Mission Blvd. The site was previously Rubicon Deli. The eatery will center its menu around marinated roast pork al pastor cooked on a vertical rotisserie, known as a « trompo,” resembling a meat-spinning top.

In addition to hand-sliced pork street tacos, Tacos El Trompo offers breakfast, many taco options prepared in-house corn tortillas, burritos, smothered fried, birria, mulitas and quesadillas, TJ hot dogs, entree plates, torta sandwiches, and soups. For more information, follow the restaurant’s Facebook Page.


CH Projects has reopened the retail portion of Raised by Wolves at La Jolla’s Westfield UTC outdoor shopping center at 4301 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 2030. Stop by the bottle shop, or shop online, and stock your bar with a selection of highly curated, hard-to-find spirits, bar products, barware, and RBW merch. Choose from CH Project’s private barrel collection of unique bourbons like Blanton’s Single Barrel Bourbon, Maker’s Mark Private Select that is exclusive to Born & Raised, Eagle Rare, W.L. Weller and more.

Lighter options for summer sipping include a variety of hard-to-find small-batch tequilas, and a variety of gins, like the Sipsmith Lemon Drizzle, a sundried lemony sweet gin with a classic London Dry backbone, perfect for refreshing Gin & Tonics or a French 75. Shipping is available throughout California, while the cocktail bar remains closed. Hours of operation are daily from 11:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. For more information, call 619-629-0243.


The California HPV Vaccination Roundtable has announced that the Annual California HPV Vaccine Week will take place from Aug. 3 to Aug. 8. During this week, the Roundtable encourages health organizations, medical providers, school nurses, and dentists to reach out to parents and the public about the importance of HPV vaccination for cancer prevention. The HPV vaccine prevents the infection that can cause six types of cancer. HPV vaccinations and other adolescent immunizations have declined sharply due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the CDC.

“It’s so amazing that we have a safe vaccine that helps prevent six cancers,” says Kristen Bell, actress, and mother of two. “Getting your kids the HPV vaccine when recommended at ages 9 to 12 helps prevent cancers later in life. I will definitely be vaccinating my kids when they turn 9.” The California HPV Roundtable is a coalition of over 40 member organizations across the state with a mission to increase HPV vaccination rates in California to 80% by 2026.


The fifth annual Zero Waste Fair held by I Love A Clean San Diego and the city of Encinitas will help create a roadmap for people interested in living a waste-free lifestyle. Free online registration is open now at for the virtual event set for Saturday, Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration is required to attend the day’s live interactive webinar “No matter where you live in San Diego County or beyond, everyone is welcome to join us for this unique event that will provide simple and actionable ways to start cutting wasteful habits from your life,” said I Love A Clean San Diego’s education manager Emily Nelson. “We want everyone to benefit from more time, more money, and less waste through low-waste living.”

This year, the Zero Waste Fair presents a variety of informative and fun presentations, demonstrations, and Q&A sessions. Guest experts will highlight low-waste living resources, composting tips, recycling help, current environmental justice topics, and more. Guests will also have the opportunity to try eco-friendly crafting, set personal zero waste goals, and win sustainable prizes. Registration for the virtual event is free. For more information, to volunteer or donate, visit

Wednesday, July 22


Bali Hai Restaurant at 2230 Shelter Island Drive for the first time ever is now selling its world-famous Mai Tais to-go. One order includes four Mai Tais and one order of poke for $50. Presently, the restaurant is only selling these on Friday and Saturday nights. Patrons must call to reserve pick-up time to help manage the number of people coming down at the same time to respect social distancing. Pick-up times are from 3 to 5 p.m. on a first-come, first-serve basis, with a limited quantity daily. There is also a special line for pick-up orders.


Founded in 1999 in Point Loma before moving into Liberty Station, Con Pane Rustic Breads & Cafe shuttered suddenly and seemingly permanently in January due to issues linked to an I-9 immigration audit. “The discovery of a large number of unauthorized workers has so disrupted operations we have had no choice but to close,” said owner Catherine Perez in her farewell message.

Con Pane moved from its original building on Rosecrans Street to the 4,000 square-foot Dewey Road bakery and cafe in 2010. The bakery used European methods to produce more than two dozen varieties of bread, which were sold at the bakery and also via wholesale distribution to area markets and restaurants.

In comes David & Lesley Cohn of Cohn Restaurant Group, a hospitality company with many San Diego eateries that is known for financially backing several area restaurateurs. Con Pane Rustic Breads & Café will be reopening under the Cohn Restaurant Group family of restaurants, slated to resume business by late September 2020.


“To get our schools open and our economy moving, we must slow the spread (coronavirus),” said 4th District Supervisor Nathan Fletcher. “It’s clear, to get our schools to open and to get our economy moving, job number one for everyone is to slow the spread of the virus. All children deserve to receive a high-quality education and COVID-19 presents very unique challenges to fulfilling the mission. As a parent I understand how difficult this has been already. And because our County is on the state’s monitoring list, we all have an obligation to fight this virus the right way so we can get our kids back into the classroom.”

Added Fletcher: “Distance learning will be hard for working families. Due to work hours, internet connectivity issues and other barriers, families with school-age children will need greater support to ensure learning from outside the classroom doesn’t create a gap in the quality of the education our children receive. In the days ahead my office will work with school leaders to offer our assistance and help develop solutions.”


To help bridge the gap between research findings and their application in the real world, the University of California San Diego launched the Dissemination and Implementation Science Center earlier this year. The center aims to provide researchers and practitioners with the training, technical assistance, mentoring and resources they need to conduct research that is meaningful in real-world settings, and implement these findings for the equitable benefit of diverse communities served in a variety of health settings.

UC San Diego Dissemination and Implementation Science Center plans to engage experts across the broader UC San Diego campus, collaborating with teams at UC San Diego Rady School of Management, Jacobs School of Engineering, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and other organizations. For more information, visit


Peninsula Community Planning Board elected new interim officers on July 16. The advisory group’s annual election, typically held in March, was postponed this year due to COVID. Fred Kosmo was elected interim chair. David Dick was elected interim vice chair. Brad Herrin said he might be able to serve as second chair. Mandy Havlik was elected interim secretary. Interim treasurer is Korla Eaquinta. PCPB advises the City on land use-based community goals and development proposals.

The Peninsula Community Planning area encompasses about 4,409 acres (approximately 7 square miles) and is bounded by Ocean Beach (split off and founded in 1975) and the Pacific Ocean on the west and south, The San Diego River Flood Control Channel and the Midway community lie to the north. San Diego Bay and Port tidelands are on the east.

The Peninsula community is highly urbanized and comprised of a number of relatively distinct residential neighborhoods including Ocean Beach Highlands, Point Loma Highlands, Loma Alta, Loma Palisades, Loma Portal, Fleetridge, Roseville, Sunset Cliffs, Wooded Area, La Playa and the former Naval Training Center renamed Liberty Station.


The 44th Robert A. Heinlein blood drive kicked off this week and runs until Sunday, Aug. 16 held at any San Diego Blood Bank donor center or mobile drive. Donors will receive a limited-edition Marvel Black Widow T-shirt. Appointments are required and available at See all COVID-19 exposure and travel deferrals ici. Since 1976, The Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive is hosted in partnership with the Comic-Con convention. Over the past 43 years, donors at Comic-Con have donated over 25,000 pints of blood, impacting approximately more than 75,000 lives.


The MCRD commanding general recently toured Operation Shelter to Home at the San Diego Convention Center to learn more about shelter operations, disease prevention and mitigation efforts, protocols for maintaining physical distance, and individual safety measures for shelter clients, staff and volunteers. The tour was led by representatives from the City and County.

« We have proactively taken actions to protect our most vulnerable populations during this pandemic,” said County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, a U.S. Marine combat veteran and co-chair of the County’s COVID-19 Subcommittee. “The significant effort put into building out the temporary shelter for the homeless was done using the highest standards, along with significant care and compassion. It’s a good model for how our community comes together during times of crisis.”

Recruits are currently quarantined in hotels for 14 days after arriving in San Diego to ensure they are healthy before they begin training. As the pandemic continues, the depot is looking at more cost-effective options to house and provide outstanding medical services to large groups of personnel. The Operation Shelter to Home model offered valuable insight into large-scale support to many individuals at one time.

Operation Shelter to Home launched on April 1 by moving individuals already in shelters into the San Diego Convention Center to allow for proper physical distancing and then began welcoming in unsheltered individuals living on San Diego streets. The shelter currently serves more than 1,200 individuals daily.


Pacific Beach gained a new taqueria. California Taco Club at 4465 Mission Blvd. offers walk-up window service at its 160 square-foot space, with a bit of outdoor seating. The menu offers an innovative selection of tacos, burritos ceviche, et house-made horchata. The taco spot is at the Breakfast Republic location. Lunch and dinner are served seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays, and 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. For more information, visit

Tuesday, July 21


City Tacos is offering a new Reverse Happy Hour every day from 9-10 p.m. at 4516 Mission Blvd. The happy hour features a $10 special including choice of any two tacos and a Mexican beer. Guests can take their pick of signature tacos such as the Pescado, Borrego, or Chorizo and eat at the outdoor seating or use to-go services. In addition to the new happy hour special, the Surf and Turf Taco makes its return.


On July 21, the City Council unanimously approved an amendment to the Land Development Code to add Moveable Tiny Houses to the ordinance for Companion Units and Junior Units as a separately regulated use. Movable Tiny Homes provide a lower-cost option that provides flexible housing choices for families, students, the elderly, and people with disabilities to name a few.

In contrast, the average cost of a movable tiny home is only $85,000. A significant portion of households in San Diego can afford a movable tiny house as an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). The average cost of rent for a tiny home is $900 a month. A property owner would recover their initial investment in eight years. After that, the rent from the tiny house could help cover their mortgage or other expenses.


Sharp HealthCare has announced the first in a series of free virtual workshops for San Diego residents, Advance Care Planning, which can be watched anytime, is now available. In these times of uncertainty, who will be able to make health care choices for you if you aren’t able to make them for yourself? Don’t wait until it’s too late to make important decisions about your medical care. Watch anytime at and learn more about advance care planning and download materials in English and Spanish.


San Diego International Airport (SAN) will add nonstop service to one new international destination and two U.S. cities on Alaska Airlines. Alaska will offer flights from SAN to the following cities:

  • Cancun, Mexico via Cancun International Airport – four times weekly beginning Nov. 20 through April 12, 2021.

  • Fort Lauderdale, Fla. via Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport – three times weekly beginning Nov. 21.

  • Missoula, Mont. via Missoula International Airport (MSO) – daily beginning March 11, 2021.

“The announcement of three new routes is welcome news for our region,” said Kimberly Becker, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority president/ CEO. “Our team has been in discussions with Alaska about nonstop service to Cancun for a couple of years, so I’m happy our diligent efforts are paying off. The service to Fort Lauderdale and new route to Missoula are also welcome as they provide those regions with easy access to enjoy San Diego’s many offerings or the ability for San Diegans to escape to south Florida or explore the great outdoors of western Montana.”

Monday, July 20


American Pizza Mfg, located blocks from the beach at 7402La Jolla Blvd, is a bake-at-home take-out spot for handmade pizzas, pastas and more, which is set to open on July 22. It makes eating dinner a whole lot easier – you pick up a handmade meal and take it home with simple baking instructions and you have hot, fresh restaurant-quality flavor and ingredients and the comfort of home and working around your schedule.


Open seven days a week except holidays throughout its 42-year history, longtime restaurant Mandarin House was forced to shutter last summer after a kitchen fire. Originally intending to re-open after minor repairs, owner Nelson Law eventually decided to take more time to fully refresh and remodel the building at 6765 La Jolla Blvd. Law now plans an August opening for takeout and delivery for his refurbished eatery.

The Chinese restaurant was founded by Law’s late father in 1977. He said the remodeled space will retain its ’70s look while including upgrades such as redecorated booths, a new roof and flooring and an extended bar. Law added the menu will continue to feature popular dishes like kung pao chicken, as well as new offerings. Also remaining will be Mandarin House’s rum-based tropical drinks served in Tiki mugs.


San Diego Humane Society is “retiring” the name of its PAWS San Diego program. The impact of PAWS has been substantial. In the last fiscal year, PAWS distributed more than 2 million pet meals to families in need and 133,000 pounds of pet food since the beginning of COVID-19. These vital services and more will evolve and continue as part of SDHS. Now, rather than having one program dedicated to helping people keep their pets, this goal will be reflected in all that the organization does.

Changes are to include:

* Evolving SDHS Pantry Service into a drive-thru pick-up at all three of our campuses from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday.

* Shifting focus away from in-home deliveries in order to grow partnerships with other organizations.

* To reach those living in systemic poverty, SDHS is providing food and supplies to San Diego Unified School District, which has approximately 20 locations in low-income neighborhoods.

* To reach the elderly, military veterans and individuals living with disabilities, SDHS will provide food to San Diego Food Bank, ElderHelp, Serving Seniors, Independent Living Services and many more.

SDHS’s scope of social responsibility goes beyond adopting animals. The organization offers programs that strengthen the human-animal bond, prevent cruelty and neglect, provide medical care, educate the community and serve as a safety net for all pet families. Serving San Diego County since 1880, SDHS has campuses in Escondido, Oceanside and San Diego. For more information, visit


Maritime Museum of San Diego has received a $100,000 donation from The Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation. The foundation has a long history of supporting the Maritime Museum, contributing to the building of the galleon replica San Salvador, and recent historic landmark vessel restoration and preservation projects including the 1898 steam ferryboat Berkeley, and 1863 Star of India.

“We are honored that we have been afforded such support,” said Raymond Ashley, Ph.D., K.C.I., president/CEO of the Maritime Museum, “The shelter-in-place orders issued by state governance as a response to the global pandemic forced Maritime Museum of San Diego to temporarily close for three and one-half months beginning March 16. This mandatory closure removed virtually every form of operational revenue the Museum once depended on.” For more information, visit


Duck Dive at 4650 Mission Blvd. is relaunching their weekend brunch starting Thursday, July 23. With an outdoor patio and expanding seating options, brunch-fanatics can enjoy omelets, a variety of pancakes, French toast – among many other dishes. Duck Dive also serves a lineup of brunch cocktails, including Irish coffee and three types of Bloody Mary’s. Bottomless mimosas are available Thursdays and Fridays from 10 a.m.-1 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays until 3 p.m.


Politifest is a regional public affairs summit produced by Voice of San Diego. This year’s summit will take place virtually during the week of Sept. 29 through Oct. 3. It will examine the races and ballot measures through a future-facing lens: How will each of the candidates, policies, and ballot initiatives affect the future of our region? What are the implications for work, education, our communities and our wallets?

Politifest focuses on issues affecting San Diego communities. During election years, the event focuses on candidates and ballot measures. In non-election years, it focuses on the most important topics that drive public policy and community conversation. Politifest features a robust schedule of debates, panels and one-on-one interviews with experts, and provides a platform for residents to raise their voices, ask tough questions and delve into important issues. It serves as a crash course in politics and policy and provides insights into how our local government works. Registration opens Aug. 10.

Thursday, July 16


On Friday, July 17, to celebrate the County’s commitment to equality and respect for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender and queer communities, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher along with LGBTQ+ County employees and the leadership of San Diego Pride will for the first time raise the Pride flag over the County Administration Center at 1600 Pacific Highway at a 10:30 a.m. ceremony. The pride flag will be flying high in the sky all weekend long. And later Friday (about 7:55 p.m.) the County Administration Center and the parking garage will also shine bright with pride when it is lit up in the colors of the rainbow.


San Diego-based healthcare analytics and diagnostics company, Genalyte, opened a new COVID-19 antibody testing location at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in an effort to expand city-wide antibody testing. Genalyte’s SARS-CoV-2 Multi-Antigen Serology Panel tests for IgM and IgG antibodies against 13 unique viral antigens to determine a person’s, and ultimately the population’s, level of exposure and potential immunity to the virus.

Genalyte’s pop-up testing site will be located in the Bing Crosby building, next to the Exhibit Hall at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and will be open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m., by appointment only. Patients will have their blood drawn onsite and receive results through secure electronic messaging typically within 24-48 hours. Genalyte has engineered a seamless registration and notification system for scheduling appointments, reminders, arrival instructions and additional notifications. To register for an antibody test and schedule an appointment, please visit


Circulate San Diego released a new report titled “Equity and Climate for Homes,” that provides a geographic analysis of the City of San Diego’s innovative Affordable Homes Bonus Program to produce more affordable and market-rate homes. The report shows that a large share of projects using San Diego’s bonus program are located near transit and in high opportunity areas.

San Diego’s AHBP provides incentives for developers who choose to build affordable units as a part of their projects. If a building includes up to 15 percent of its base density as affordable, then the developer can build up to 50 percent more units than otherwise would be allowed. In May, Circulate released “Good Bargain,” which shows how the program is increasing production of both market-rate and deed-restricted affordable homes. For more information, go to

This data shows that the AHBP is creating substantially more homes in the right places:

  • 63 percent of AHBP projects are located in high and highest resource Census tracts in the City of San Diego.

  • 97 percent of AHBP projects are located within a half-mile of a high performing transit stop.


Humphreys Concert by the Bay at 2241 Shelter Island Drive has transformed its concert lawn into a spot for outdoor dining for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Featured are limited but diverse options crafted with the same fine and fresh ingredients you can expect at Humphreys. Full bar service is also offered for friends, couples and families. An all-day menu is served.


Even though SeaWorld is temporarily closed, the marine park still wants to spread the word about the importance of Sea Arctic Ice Day, which was July 15. The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, causing sea ice to melt. It’s important to take note and protect wild animals and wild places. SeaWorld is raising awareness by recognizing Arctic Sea Ice Day, reminding everyone about the importance arctic sea ice plays in the lives of arctic animals. Arctic Ice Day was created by Polar Bears International, one of SeaWorld’s important conservation partners. For information, visit


Given the summer rush to the coast, Pacific Beach Town Council has donated to trash pickup in Pacific Beach. “With extra trash from all the takeout containers and tourism, our trash cans are overflowing in the business district,” said Brian White, president of PBTC. “Working with Sara Berns from Discover PB, our PBTC donated $3,000 to fund an additional day of trash pickup on Sundays for all 36 of Discover PB’s cans from now through Labor Day. DPB pays for trash pickup four days week and now PBTC is funding a fifth day on Sundays to help reduce the overflow issues. Due to COVID and deferred fee payments, Discover PB has been impacted with lowered income, making it more difficult to cover these services. They’ve been working extremely hard to cover costs during this pandemic.”


Liberty Station‘s YogaSix, San Diego Ballet, SPARKCYCLE et San Diego Craft Collective are offering their first outdoor classes on the Liberty Station grounds this week. This decision follows Gov. Newsom’s announcement to close all indoor fitness centers. Many other Liberty Station businesses have been providing takeout/delivery and essential business as well as offering an array of virtual arts and cultural programming to support and serve the community during this time. For the latest information, visit


Seeking to prevent a looming wave of evictions across California stemming from COVID-related job losses, San Diego-area tenants are urging state representatives to pass AB 1436, the bill prohibiting landlords from evicting tenants because of unpaid rent due to the pandemic. Renters will stage a rally and press conference Friday, July 17, outside the office of California Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins at 10:15 a.m. at 1350 Front St. downtown to urge her to support the bill and keep tenants from losing their homes. The protest is being sponsored by renters and members of Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment. Housing advocates acknowledge Sen. Atkins’ previous leadership on tenant’s rights issues. Details of AB 1436 can be viewed here in English et in Spanish.


A ribbon-cutting event to celebrate the completion of The Brigantine’s Portside Pier restaurant development on San Diego Bay’s North Embarcadero waterfront will be held Monday, July 20 at 4 p.m. at 1360 North Harbor Drive. The Port of San Diego and The Brigantine Inc. have transformed one of Southern California’s most iconic waterfront restaurant sites, 1360 North Harbor Drive on the North Embarcadero. Portside Pier will offer a variety of dining options at different price points featuring fresh seafood at Brigantine on the Bay, authentic Mexican flavors at Miguel’s Cocina, pub fare at Ketch Grill & Taps, and walk-up service at Portside Coffee & Gelato.


The Rotary Club of La Jolla has a new president, a new structure and a new way of doing business. Bank of America senior vice-president and client advisor Dirk Harris took over club leadership July 1 as the organization continues to serve the community despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. Harris brings with him years of experience in financial management and investments. He is a certified financial planner, has degrees in both finance and microbiology from Louisiana State University and brings a strong commitment to public service. Harris is married and a father of two young children.

The club continues to meet weekly at noon on Tuesdays, but currently via Zoom, a change that will continue until it is once again safe to meet in person. Rotary also welcomes four new members representing four of the club’s five membership categories: Rebecca Hartford, Nan Johnson, Christopher Lee (La Jolla Institute of Immunology), and Sam Nejabat. For more information, visit

Tuesday, July 14


Starting Saturday, Aug. 1, the City of San Diego will resume full enforcement of all parking regulations, part of an effort to support local businesses and continue essential operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Identified as one small step toward restoring San Diego’s economy, restarting parking enforcement will allow for increased turnover of customers in business districts and ensure accessibility for patrons. Parking enforcement resumed on July 1 with a warning period, during which violators received written warnings. Initially a two-week warning period, enforcement will now begin on Saturday, Aug. 1.

The City suspended citations for vehicles violating street sweeping parking restrictions, metered parking, time limits and yellow commercial zones on March 16 after the state and county stay-at-home order went into effect. Parking enforcement was limited to holiday or Sunday regulations only. Citations have still been issued for vehicles parked illegally at red, white, and blue painted curbs.

Street sweeping has continued during the public health emergency. Courtesy notices were distributed to inform residents of the enforcement restart and return to regular service. To learn more about parking rules in the City, and to pay or appeal a citation online, visit


La Jolla Shores Association announced that effective July 22 thru Sept. 27 Avenida de la Playa from El Paseo Grande to Ciallo de la Plata will be closed to vehicular traffic. During this period six to seven restaurants will be setting up dining tables over parking stalls in order to serve lunch and dinner, al fresco. The goal is to provide a safe, outdoor, dining in a pleasant atmosphere. From 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. there will be a 20-foot-wide pedestrian walkway down the center of Avenida de la Playa.


Looking to dispose of old tax files or sensitive documents? Join the City of San Diego’s 18th annual Tax File Recycling event beginning Wednesday, July 15, at the Miramar Recycling Center. The drop-off service is available through Tuesday, July 21, and is free to City of San Diego residents only. Participants are limited to one banker’s box of files to recycle. A banker’s box is approximately 10 inches high, 15 inches wide and 25 inches deep. Files will be accepted at the Miramar Recycling Center between 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The center is closed on Sundays. All documents will be placed in secured bins and shredded before being recycled.

This annual recycling event usually coincides with Tax Day. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this year, the federal government postponed the traditional April 15 filing deadline until July 15. All visitors will be asked to maintain physical distancing during transactions and facial coverings are required. To assist with physical distancing guidelines, staff will limit the number of people allowed into the area at one time. For more information, visit

Monday, July 13


Eggies in Pacific Beach has officially opened so beach dwellers can get their on-the-go brunch fill. Open from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. daily, the 205-square-foot location is adjacent to Breakfast Republic PB at 4465 Mission Blvd. The new Eggies features the same breakfast sandwiches as its other locations in East Village and the recently opened Liberty Station outpost. Other quick-service bites include filled jars layered with French toast, fresh strawberries and mascarpone, and their savory potato hash jar, as well as churros with caramel sauce for the city’s morning sweet-seekers.


Breakfast Republic is geared up for the dine-in shut-down at all their locations including 4465 Mission Blvd. Owner Johan Engman has finalized a partnership with Stone Brewing to allow Breakfast Republic in Liberty Station to use Stone’s courtyard across from the restaurant. In return, Breakfast Republic will start carrying their Stone Buenaveza Mexican Lager at all BR locations. Locations in North Park, Ocean Beach and Mission Valley will remain open, and will seat patrons in their existing outdoor patios.

Fig Tree Café locations in Liberty Station and Pacific Beach will remain open during their usual hours, as much of their seating is already situated outdoors and is set up for social distancing – perfect for fans of their Breakfast Sushi or French toast options. This eatery also offers takeout and delivery.

Backyard Kitchen & Tap at 832 Garnet Ave. expanded its patio to include a sideyard after the first round of shut-downs. The sideyard addition is open Tuesday through Sunday, featuring food from the Union Food Truck, while Backyard’s existing patio space is open all week.

Pacific Beach AleHouse at 721 Grand Ave. is ready to serve San Diego safely with its sky deck, patio and parking lot seating fully open and set up to meet all safety guidelines. You can still grab a burger and beer by the ocean seven days a week. You can also swing by for carryout or order delivery through their website.

Taco fiends can still get their fill at The Taco Stand with outdoor seating and carryout at their La Jolla location at 621 Pearl St.


“San Diego Public Library has opened up the book drops at all 36 of its libraries, and you can now pick up your holds at the Pacific Beach Library,” said Christina Wainwright, Pacific Beach/Taylor Branch Library manager. “We also have a wide variety of virtual programming that you can enjoy online. »

  • Book returns open at all SDPL locations Mondays at 9 a.m., and will remain open 24 hours a day until Fridays at 5:30 p.m.  Book drops are not open weekends.

  • Materials will remain on your library card for several days after they are received at the library.  All returned items are quarantined for at least 72 hours. It may take several days for the return to reflect on your library account. There are no late fees.

  • For more information about SDPL’s Book Return Service:

  • You may pick up materials that you’ve placed on hold at any of 18 SDPL locations, including the PB Library.

  • Holds Pickup service is available Mon.-Fri. From 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.  Call 858-581-9934 with your library card number.  We will check your holds out to your account, and have them ready to give to you.

  • If you already have holds waiting for you at another library you may request that they be transferred to PB.  You can do it yourself by modifying your holds online, or call any SDPL location so that staff may assist you.

  • For more information about SDPL’s Contactless Holds Pickup Service (including the full list of branches offering this service).


ElliptiGO Inc., creator of the world’s first elliptical bicycle, is the title sponsor of the ElliptiGO Bike for Humanity II cycling event with Bill Walton and Friends ( Bike for Humanity II will take place around the world on Saturday, July 25 with a goal of raising $1 million for charity. Joining Walton in raising awareness for the event are marathon legend Meb Keflezighi, winner of the Boston Marathon and New York City Marathon, and world famous ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes.

“The inaugural Bike for Humanity event in 2019 raised more than $100,000, and our goal is to dramatically increase participation and fundraising by inspiring thousands of people around the world to get out on their bikes or ElliptiGOs and have fun while raising money for really worthy causes,” said Bryan Pate, CEO of ElliptiGO. Participants can choose where, when and what distance to ride on July 25. Registration and more information is available through


This year was supposed to bring the final hearing at the California Coastal Commission for the City’s Plan Update proposal for Fiesta Island, that includes the official recognition of the fenced area as a dog park in the Mission Bay Master Plan. Last year was an important year for Fiesta Island Dog Owners (FIDO) when the City Council approved and adopted FIDO’s Option B as the official Plan moving forward for State review at the CCC. While the commission is continuing to meet monthly online, the group has received an email from commission staff recently saying that they are unable to travel to visit Fiesta Island and complete their review, which means the commission won’t likely be reviewing Option B until next year.


R.B. Stevenson Gallery in La Jolla has announced the exhibition “Paintings Are People Too” featuring new and recent paintings by artist Monique van Genderen. First produced in Berlin in June 2019 “Paintings Are People Too” was shown at the Rosa Luxembourg Platz Kunstverein with the title: “Citizens Don’t Hesitate.” For more information, call 858-459-3917 or visit


San Diego Humane Society is offering virtual Animal Adventure Camp for the first time this summer to ensure a safe and healthy experience for all campers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kids going into second through fifth grades can enjoy seven weekly virtual camps through Aug. 7 and experience the fun of Animal Adventure Camp from the comfort of their own homes. Two curriculums (Animal Pals and Animal Helpers) are offered and include virtual animal meet-and-greets, animal welfare lessons, virtual tours of the shelter and specialty departments as well as games and crafts. Campers should pick up a supply box provided by SDHS a week prior to starting camp. For more information, please visit


Fiesta Island Dog Owners (FIDO) is urging recently reopened island users to call park rangers at 858-581-7602 to report problems. One problem to be reported is people with too many dogs (more than six) and/or not picking up their waste. Report an in-progress animal emergency to the SD Humane Society response line at 619-299-7012. In a human emergency, call 911. For all non-emergencies use the park hotline: 858-581-7602.


Parents are increasingly loving baby names with palindromes, meanings spelled the same backwards and forwards like Nevaeh and Heaven. The word is derived from the Greek term palíndromos, which means “to run backwards.” Anna is the most popular palindrome of all time. has released a list of the most popular Names With Meanings Spelled Backwards, after analyzing Social Security Administration data since 1890, and current user interest from millions of visitors to its website.

These are very popular and great for siblings or twins.  For instance, a set of boy and girl twins could be Aidan and Nadia, girl twins could be Ellen and Nelle, and boy twins could be Ira and Ari.

Here are the some of the most popular palindromes since 1890:

1) Anna: 896,000

2) Hannah: 434,000

3) Ava: 266,000

4) Ana: 102,000

5) Ada: 96,000

6) Bob: 93,000

7) Otto: 33,000

8) Eve: 25,000

9) Asa: 18,000

10) Elle: 14,000.


The annual Pride 5k is going virtual this year and is going to take place this weekend, July 17-19. The event is sponsored by Mission Fed and the goal of the virtual event is to raise $20,000 for The LGBTQ Center’s Youth Housing Project and San Diego Pride Community Grants. All participants will receive an event neck gaiter and can opt in for a race T-shirt and medal. As a virtual event, participants run or walk their 5K on Pride weekend, then upload their finishing results and can join online for a live streaming event on July 18. For more information about the Pride 5K, visit


On Thursday, July 16 at 6 p.m, there will be the 30th annual Virtual Watch Party of San Diego Children’s Choir’s 2019 Winter Concert. The choir will look back fondly at its most recent in-person choir-wide concert with co-hosts artistic director Ruthie Millgard, and music director Margie Orem. The virtual event is being dubbed Jingle Bells in July. For more information, visit

Wednesday, July 8


Jetty Cats of San Diego is holding a fundraiser to help buy food for the volunteers who feed the cats nightly. Donations may be made through their sponsors Feral Cat Coalition. Go to PayPal at – type “for Jetty Cats” in the payment notes. Also, donate through Venmo @FeralCatCoalitionSD and type “for Jetty Cats” in the payment notes.


UC San Diego’s proposed Future College Living and Learning Neighborhood project has undergone a name change. It is now being referred to as the Theatre District Living and Learning Neighborhood.

It would include five buildings ranging in height from 9-21 stories to provide approximately 2,000 new beds for undergraduate students, residential life and administration offices for a new college, general assignment classrooms, a 480-seat auditorium, meeting space, restaurants, and retail space for approximately 900,000 gross square feet total.

La Jollans living in neighborhoods surrounding the university have objected strongly to both the bulk and scale of the project, as well as its alleged negative impacts on future traffic in the area. The 11.8-acre proposed project site is at the southwestern edge of the La Jolla West Campus.


Just days after reopening for the July Fourth weekend, the San Diego Museum of Photographic Arts has announced it will remain closed until after Labor Day. Museums were among those businesses told to halt indoor activities by the state and by local health authorities. Although the updated public health order is theoretically in place for just three weeks, a museum statement cited the « uncertainty » of the coming weeks as the reason for the lengthy closure. The museum initially shuttered in March with other museums in Balboa Park and the rest of San Diego County.


Mesa College president Dr. Pamela Luster has been elected president of the Chief Executive Officers of California Community Colleges Board for FY 2020-21. “I am honored to be elected president of the CEOCCC Board,” said Luster. “I look forward to working with these progressive leaders as we focus on advocacy and action for racial equity, increasing resources for colleges and students, and recovery from COVID-19. Our students are depending on us to lead the way.”

The Community College League of California (League) is a nonprofit public benefit corporation whose voluntary membership consists of the 73 local public community college districts in California. The League supports locally elected trustees and community college CEOs who serve their students and communities by advocating on their behalf at the state and federal levels.


Continuing its tradition of producing chocolate bars to celebrate the annual Comic-Con International event canceled this year due to the pandemic, the San Diego Convention Center is introducing a limited-edition 2020 chocolate bar to be shared with regional fans via social media contests. With a Saturday Morning Cartoons theme, the colorful treat features white chocolate, fruit-flavored cereal and freeze-dried raspberries. The bars are created in partnership with the Center’s food and beverage partner, Centerplate.

“As their annual hosts, we are glad to join the Comic-Con team in continuing some traditions of this pop culture celebration, like our ‘Convention Confections,’” said Clifford “Rip” Rippetoe, president, and CEO of the San Diego Convention Center. « Through the series of online contests, we hope to bring together our local community to share their special memories and experiences of Comic-Con in San Diego.”

The Saturday Morning Cartoons bars will be distributed to fans through a series of online contests held July 13-17, via the Center’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts; no chocolate bars will be available for sale. Contest details will be shared through the Center’s social media and website next week. The chocolate bar prizes must be picked up at the Center on July 20 or 21. To learn more about [email protected], see and follow along via social media at #ComicConAtHome. The 2021 Comic-Con, International event is rescheduled to take place at the San Diego Convention Center from July 22-25, 2021.


The Maritime Museum of San Diego announced a second temporary closure of the museum beginning July 7 to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The Maritime Museum reopened to the public for six days beginning July 1 after closing temporarily due to the global pandemic for nearly four months starting March 16. The Museum is complying with state and local governance and guidelines and anticipates reopening Saturday, Aug. 1, at the approval of regional authorities.

Tuesday, July 7


Belmont Park, a 95-year-old historic amusement park on the oceanfront at 3146 Mission Blvd., has been hard hit by the pandemic and the latest rollback of business re-openings.

“All our rides, including the Giant Dipper roller coaster, are now closed,” said Minh Tra, director of operations for the San Diego Coaster Co., which operates all of Belmont Park’s amusement rides. “As of July 7, all our indoor attractions, including our arcade, are closed. But all our outdoor attractions, retail and restaurant food operations as well as outdoor attractions like the rock wall, sky ropes, outdoor obstacle course and miniature golf, are open.”


The Plunge San Diego at Fit Mission Beach in Belmont Park, a membership fitness club and public pool, is currently open 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mondays-Thursdays and 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Fridays-Sundays. The public can access the pool for $15 a day for adults, $12 a day for youth under age 18 for recreational swimming daily from 2 to 6 p.m. For more information, visit


“It is with heavy hearts we share that the ailing bald eagle admitted to Project Wildlife on July 4 has died,” said San Diego Humane Society on July 7. “This morning the juvenile bird was having more difficulty breathing, despite receiving supplemental oxygen in the critical care unit at our Pilar & Chuck Bahde Wildlife Center. Our highly trained medical staff knew they had to find out why the bird was not able to breathe. They sedated and anesthetized the bald eagle for a thorough exam.”

SDHS said full body X-rays revealed no obvious abnormalities for the injured bird. SeaWorld provided an endoscope to help visualize the inside of the eagle’s trachea and GI tract.

“There were some small parasites in the bird’s throat but not likely to be the major issue,” said SDHS. “There was also evidence of slow gut movement in the GI tract. Once the diagnostic procedures were finished, the gas anesthesia was turned off but the bird never woke up from the anesthesia. Several efforts were made to resuscitate the bald eagle, but we were unsuccessful. Our staff and partners have done everything in their power to help this bald eagle, and are extremely saddened by today’s outcome.”


Wheel of Fortune will be re-airing a week of episodes celebrating San Diego as one of its “Great American Cities” from July 13-17. These special episodes will also feature segments and scenic footage shot on location during Pat Sajak and Vanna White’s visit to San Diego in 2016, as well as a custom set decorated with iconic local sights, including the San Diego Zoo, the Hotel del Coronado and the Gaslamp Quarter. During this week of shows, which first aired in 2017, all the contestants are from the San Diego area.


The San Diego Padres will kick-off their pandemic-delayed, 60-game season, consisting of 40 games against National League West teams and 20 against American League West teams, starting Friday, July 24 against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Petco Park. The interleague games at Petco Park will be Aug. 19-20 against the Texas Rangers; Aug. 21-23, Houston Astros; Aug. 25-27 against the Seattle Mariners; and Sept. 22-23 against the Los Angeles Angels, the final games of the season at Petco Park.

Major League Baseball plans to celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on Aug. 28, the date of the March on Washington in 1963, as well as the date in 1945 when Brooklyn Dodgers president Branch Rickey met with Robinson to discuss his MLB future. The new date is representative of both Robinson’s journey to break the color barrier and his life as a civil rights activist. Jackie Robinson Day is customarily celebrated on April 15, the anniversary of his breaking MLB’s color line in 1947.


The De Anza Cove Improvement Project, comprised of rent creditable capital improvements, including abatement and removal of 166 mobile homes remaining on-site, has been delayed by the pandemic. On June 24, 2019, the San Diego City Council approved a lease extension for Campland on the Bay and a lease for the De Anza Cove property that includes Mission Bay RV Resort.

On Jan. 20, well ahead of the deadline, management commenced the improvement project. “Since then we have deployed certified environmental engineers who conducted asbestos and lead testing and analysis of all remaining mobile homes,” said Jacob Gelfand, vice president of operations for Terra Vista Management, which administers Campland on the Bay at 2211 Pacific Beach Drive. “On Jan. 28, management submitted a Coastal Development Permit application for the remaining components of the improvement project.”

Added Gelfand: “Unfortunately, threatened litigation, which has since been settled, delayed the improvement project by more than two months. More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily impeded critical path progress. To the extent possible, management will proceed with project items that can be safely and feasibly accomplished during this period of crisis, until the governor’s State of Emergency has been lifted.”

Gelfand noted, since the commencement of the lease in July 2019, that numerous, significant improvements to resort operations at Mission Bay RV Resort, including utility system repairs, safety improvements, new recreational amenities and aesthetic enhancements, have been made. “We look forward gradually to reopening more amenities at both resorts as state and local regulations allow,” said Gelfand, noting Campland on the Bay celebrated its 50th Anniversary of providing affordable, waterfront accommodations and family-friendly recreation on Mission Bay last year.

Monday, July 6


San Diego Humane Society’s Project Wildlife admitted a bald eagle on July 4. It is extremely rare for SDHS to admit such a raptor. The bird was rescued and brought in by SoCal Parrots after it had been observed on the ground for a couple of days at Barrett Honor Camp.

The bald eagle, suffering from dehydration, was given fluids and treated for mites. While the bird’s condition is guarded, it is in stable condition at the critical care unit of SDHS’s Bahde Wildlife Center and has gotten radiographs (X-rays) and a blood draw. Currently, he is breathing heavy, although slightly improved. Samples of the eagle’s blood and feces were submitted for full evaluation, including a lead test.

Staff at the Pilar & Chuck Bahde Wildlife Center were able to successfully hand feed the bird, a juvenile, a fledgling, who has not been seen flying on his own. The objective is to rehabilitate the bird and return him to his family. The bald eagle will remain in the critical care unit where he receives extra oxygen.


San Diego Public libraries, following the guidance of State and County health guidelines and public health orders, will continue to remain closed. “The Library has expanded its contactless pickup service to 18 locations and has opened its book drops for returns,” said City spokesperson Jennifer McBride. “The Library’s online programs are also available for patrons.” For more information, visit


Home Start, a San Diego nonprofit whose mission is to assure the safety and resiliency of children by strengthening families and their communities, has received a $100,000 grant from the Cushman Foundation. The grant, spread over three years, is part of the Foundation’s 2020 Making a Difference for San Diego Grant Program and will help Home Start with its Behavioral Health Services programs.

The foundation’s grant program was established in partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation as they share the goals of respectful and responsive grantmaking, quality technical assistance, and support to strengthen the capacity and sustainability of nonprofit organizations. For more information, visit


Padres Pedal the Cause, a nonprofit, has raised over $120,000 from the organization’s second annual A World Without Cancer Day on June 20. Over 640 people registered for the grassroots, virtual event, raising funds for collaborative cancer research in San Diego.

Inspired by the campaign #Do20Give20, participants committed to doing 20 minutes, miles or repetitions of movement from several participation options: cycling or run/walking on their own; attending a live, virtual class hosted by community partners, Orangetheory Fitness, YogaSix, and breast cancer fighter/spin instructor Kellie Sullivan; and even joining a Peloton class.

Participants matched their commitment to “Do 20” with a $20 or more donation to Padres Pedal the Cause, an organization that donates 100% of fundraising dollars to cancer research. Donations can be made by visiting the Padres Pedal the Cause at


“Fiesta Island is currently scheduled to open to vehicle access on Monday, July 6,” said City spokesperson Jennifer McBride. “If County or State health orders are updated between now and then that could change, but right now July 6 is the date.”

A large peninsular park within Mission Bay, manmade Fiesta Island is a popular location for charity walks and runs, bicycle races, time trials and other special events. It is also the home of the annual Over-The-Line Tournament. The Fiesta Island Youth Camp and the Aquatic Center are on the island. There are bonfire rings around the shore of the island and a park where dogs are allowed off leash. All persons on the beach at Fiesta Island are required to practice social distancing other than members of the same household, and the public shall not congregate or participate in active sport activities on beaches.


An unusual fossil deposit containing skeletal remains of extinct mammals, including camels, oreodonts, rodents, and possibly a large carnivore, was recently unearthed at the State Route 11/Otay Mesa East Port of Entry Project, a joint venture between Caltrans and the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). The fossils are estimated to be 16 to 28 million years old and provide new insights into the region’s geologic history.

Found by Paleo Monitors from the San Diego Natural History Museum (The Nat) fossils appear to be from a new geologic formation that has not been mapped before in the area. The deposit also contains plant fossils, as well as volcanic bombs (masses of rock ejected by a volcano). The Nat will prepare the fossils and curate and catalogue them into the paleontology collection, holding them in perpetuity for the citizens of California.

The SR-11/Otay Mesa East Port of Entry Project will complete a direct connection to a planned new U.S. Land Port of Entry, and create a 21st century border crossing that will enhance regional mobility, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and wait times, fuel economic growth, bolster binational trade, and strengthen border security and resiliency.


Although the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club will kick off its 2020 summer racing season with an empty grandstand, there are still a variety of ways to enjoy your fill of races and festivities throughout the summer. Del Mar Live launches on opening day, Friday, July 10, and will feature more than 20 local restaurants, hotels and casinos including Brigantine Del Mar, Pizza Port, Jimmy O’s, Pendry San Diego and more. Each “Live” location will offer TV screens to view the day’s 10-race card, Del Mar signature drink specials and Del Mar/TVG coasters. Del Mar will race every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from July 10 up to and including Labor Day Monday, Sept. 7. First post daily will be at 2 p.m.


This year’s 26th annual Opening Day Hats Contest will strut on stage via Instagram and Twitter for all to see with a panel of local celeb judges ready to declare the 2020 winner of a fashion statement that has become one of Del Mar’s most sought-after honors. The Opening Day Hats Contest is available to all who forward pictures using the hashtag #DelMarHatsContest and tagging @DelMarRacing in the photo.


The San Diego Unified Board of Education has unanimously approved a balanced budget for the upcoming school year. No significant layoffs or staff adjustments were required to balance the district budget this year.

Highlights of the approved measure include a $45 million fund for COVID-19 emergency expenditures. District leaders said those funds will pave the way for reopening schools on schedule on Aug. 31, including options for on-campus and online learning.

“The unanimous vote this evening by the Board of Education reflects our collective confidence that we can open schools in a timely manner, on schedule, on August 31, with outstanding options for students who want to be on campus, as well as those who wish to learn from home,” said superintendent Cindy Marten. “The COVID-19 crisis is the biggest adaptive challenge to public education of our lifetimes, and we are ready to meet the challenge.”

Marten introduced the budget item by noting the numbers have improved since May when Gov. Gavin Newsom released his revised state budget. Working with the Governor and the entire San Diego Legislative delegation, school leaders successfully advocated for changes in the state budget, including:

  • Undoing a 10% cut to Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) estimated at about $100 million as proposed in the 2020-21 May Revise and instead utilizing deferrals and federal advocacy to mitigate cuts;

  • Securing learning loss funds to cover COVID-19 costs and to support reopening of schools, which totaled $91.8 million for San Diego Unified;

  • Adopting a pension buydown of employer contribution rates for 2020-21 and 2021-22, and a CalSTRS pension rate freeze for 2020-21, which amounts to an estimated savings of $17 million for San Diego Unified in the next school year;

  • Advocating for special education funding based on the moderate-to-severe disability of students, which resulted in the allocation of $100 million for the low-incidence pool add-on that provides $2.4 million for San Diego Unified.

Members of the Board of Education also emphasized the need for continued advocacy at the federal level. They have called for the US Senate to follow the House of Representatives in passing the HEROES Act, which provides an additional $58 billion to schools nationwide.


Beginning on July 6 and continuing for approximately one month, access to and from Scripps Health facilities via Voigt Drive will be closed while crews rebuild the driveway and adjacent roadway. Once complete, crews will restore inbound access via Voigt Drive from the west only. Outbound access will continue to be closed and vehicles will be redirected to Genesee Avenue.

What to expect:

  • Full closure of Scripps Health driveway at Voigt Drive

  • Concurrent full closure of Voigt Drive between parking lot P701 and Campus Point Drive

  • Detours to and from Scripps Health facilities will be available via Genesee Avenue

  • Traffic control measures will be in place, including temporary traffic signals, temporary wayfinding and detour signage, and roadway and sidewalk reconfigurations

  • Typical work hours will be Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Best Western Hotels & Resorts is opening its newly renovated SureStay Hotel by Best Western San Diego/Pacific Beach at 4545 Mission Bay Drive. The 66-room hotel offers an outdoor, heated, swimming pool, complimentary hot breakfast buffet, high-speed WiFi, and free parking providing guests with the superior comfort and utmost value they want out of their stay. The hotel is closely following state guidelines and implementing safety protocols. For more information, visit


CerasoliStafford Media Management has announced that long-time media executive Bob Bolinger joined the firm effective July 1 as a new partner. Concurrently, the firm will be changing its name to CerasoliStaffordBolinger, doing business as CSB Impact ( Bolinger’s career includes executive management roles with major San Diego radio groups, including Entercom, iHeart Media and CBS Radio.


Following the guidance of public health officials, San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister will close all five branches to the public until further notice effective July 6 in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Four Treasurer-Tax Collector offices in Kearny Mesa, San Marcos, Chula Vista and Santee have remained closed to the public since March, and will do so for the foreseeable future. Unsecured tax bills can be paid now at More information is available on the Treasurer-Tax Collector’s website.

Those who must pay in cash can obtain a cashier’s check or money order and mail their payment to 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 162, San Diego, CA 92101. Drop boxes will still be available outside all Treasurer-Tax Collector branches for those who must drop off a check payment, but cash will not be accepted in the drop boxes.


While some residents may be isolated, La Jolla Community Center wants them to know they are not alone, and that LJCC is always there and watching out for them. Call 858-459-0831 or email [email protected] if you are in need of transportation, wellness checks or any other community resources.


San Diego International Airport has continued to adjust to the impacts of COVID-19. The airport has remained open as a critical piece of the nation’s transportation infrastructure, helping to move much-needed supplies and cargo, and assisting those with essential travel needs. As states ease restrictions and non-essential travel resumes, SAN would like to share the modifications and protocols that have been put in place to help ensure the health and safety of passengers and employees. Health and safety measures that have been implemented in the terminals include:

  • Plexiglas sneeze guards in certain public spaces.

  • Floor decals and seat separation signage to queue the six-foot social distancing consideration.

  • Increased signage throughout the terminals that serves as a reminder to practice preventive health measures.

  • Per the California Department of Public Health, facial coverings are required for all passengers, visitors, tenants, contractors and employees while on airport property, excluding those with a medical or mental health condition, or developmental disability that prevents wearing a face covering.

  • Continued increased cleaning of high touch points.

  • PA announcements throughout the terminals that remind everyone of the facial covering and social distancing requirements.

  • Per San Diego County Health, employees are required to do a personal health screening and cannot come to work if they have any of the listed CDC COVID-19 symptoms.

Travelers may visit for information and airport updates related to COVID-19.


Lawyers Club of San Diego applauded yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision to defend the reproductive rights of women by striking down a Louisiana law that would have eliminated abortion services for many in that state. Lawyers Club of San Diego, a strong supporter of reproductive rights, signed onto the amicus brief in June, Medical v. Russo filed by the National Women’s Law Center, which joined the five abortion clinics and four abortion providers in arguing that the state law imposed an undue burden on the rights of women in Louisiana.

“Over the last decade many states have passed hundreds of laws attempting to chip away at the protections guaranteed by Roe v. Wade,” Lawyers Club president Elvira Cortez said. “The Louisiana law at issue in this case is a prime example of the steps lawmakers have taken to severely restrict women’s reproductive choice. While we can rest assured that such a drastic reduction of services will remain unlawful for now, the fight for reproductive rights is not over.”


San Diego Humane Society is celebrating the five-year anniversary of “Getting to Zero,” the San Diego Animal Welfare Coalition’s commitment to reaching zero euthanasia of healthy or treatable animals in San Diego County. Before July 1, 2015, treatable animals were at risk of euthanasia in shelters due to sheer numbers and limited resources.

“Getting to Zero was truly a milestone for San Diego, because it was the first time in our region’s history that no healthy or treatable animal was at-risk for being unnecessarily euthanized,” said Dr. Gary Weitzman, president/CEO of SDHS. “San Diego is one of the safest communities in the nation for animals.”

SDHS is proud to have not euthanized a healthy or treatable animal since 2002. When the San Diego Animal Welfare Coalition — a collaboration of area shelters, foster families, rescue groups and other lifesaving partners — was able to reach the same goal of zero euthanasia in July 2015, it meant that all healthy and treatable animals entering the San Diego animal sheltering system were safe from being euthanized. San Diego is the largest city in the nation to have accomplished this feat. For more information, visit

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